The Impossible Greatness of Joe Louis – Boxing’s Most Dominant Champion (The Real Captain America)

Joe Louis is arguably the greatest heavyweight to ever box. A Champion unlike any other, in an era when fighting was at its …


21 thoughts on “The Impossible Greatness of Joe Louis – Boxing’s Most Dominant Champion (The Real Captain America)

  1. What a man, a true hero and a man that should be studied in our schools all over the world. The amazing feats, the talent but also the man himself, and the disgrace of racism. While I saw this I could not believe his way and then he just did even more I honestly wish I had been in my life half the man this person was

  2. This is why they need to restructure a lot of white athletes considered to be greats.. You can't be a great when they clearly kept blacks out of your way.. You can't be a great, or a champion.. Babe Ruthe first on my list, racism contributed most to his achievements, by keeping black people out of the sport

  3. Should be important to note that if anything Max Schmeling was simply a puppet for nationalist propaganda and really had no connection that ideology himself. In fact he was rather against the idea of racial superiority I mean his manager was Jewish guys and he saved several lives during Kristalnacht. You really in good faith couldn't call him a nazi. Or if he was he was really bad at it.

  4. No wonder why Ali never went to go to Vietnam. He saw what they did to Joe and say to himself this man gave everything to his country yet they wanted more out of him and try to tear him down every chance they get. So sad.

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