The Horrifying Legends of Portlock, Alaska

Why did they leave? Let’s explore one of the most infamous ghost towns in north America. This is the terrifying story of …


47 thoughts on “The Horrifying Legends of Portlock, Alaska

  1. I worked for an environmental group doing timber sale surveys in old growth forests of Oregon. I had several strange encounters with something that I saw, always in one particular area of the National Forest. One encounter I had was in a tent, and when the story at the beginning of this episode said “they didn’t hear anyone walk away” (from the tent) that line always strikes me, because that is the one thing I throughly remember from the experience. I’ve heard this exact anecdote in other stories people have had with tent encounters. I will never camp in a tent again due to my experience. It made me less carefree when I was in the forest, and I never went into the forest by myself ever again.

  2. it wasn’t abandoned overnight …that’s all made up stuff..the industry there just slowed down and people went to where the work was.. there are interviews with people that lived there ..they say that they heard about all this phony Bigfoot stuff..

  3. There are/were about 500 different tribes of Indians in North America. Virtually all of them – most never having contact with one another – have a name, and history, for what we call 'Bigfoot'.

  4. One thing of my limited hunting experience is being able to track wild game . Just like in that movie predator . The Big Chief said , this killer doesnt leave tracks . Its up in trees . How is it something this big isant leaving tracks ? Tracking is the basic skill any hunter has besides listening , and sitting up in stand . Why wasnt these Outdoors men not able to identify foot tracks ? I look down there and see track of bare foot 20 inches long , deep in the dirt im going to use my little brain to go Oooooooooo Ssssssssssshhhhhhttt. Lets back out here and go get 375 HH or 416 Rigby ! 😅

  5. We have this legend in our vilage about this man who is 11-12 feer tall, whose head is like a head shape elongated his eyes are like eyes of snake, he has scales like snake and his color is dark green like anaconda, He is known to snatch anyone who wonders off at night, Aparantly he lives deep in a cave and there are more like him, He live in a mountain cave.

  6. I just stumbled upon your channel while looking up videos about Portlock, Alaska.. I'm especially curious about it..

    There's history surrounding this town, with different people trying to settle but ended up leaving instead.. The natives called it "Nantiinaq", and described it as a "giant cannibal".. If I ever heard the words "giant" and "cannibal" in the same sentence, I would've immediately put up fortifications around the town.. It was also mentioned in other videos that the creature is able to emit "infrasonic sounds", sounds that predators like tigers and sperm whales emit, this caused mysterious illnesses to the first settlers, maybe even the recent ones.. Thanks for covering this story.. I'm gonna binge watch your other videos now.. 😊

  7. Very good. I just love your show and your narration is wonderful.
    My small family visited a ghost town in America’s west, where there are many. My 9 year old daughter and I decided to go into a long deserted broken down cabin. We stepped in very carefully, not wanting to fall through a rotten floor or encourage beams to fall on us. There was not a sound. We managed to step in SUDDENLY AN EAR PIERCING WAIL SURROUNDED US AND WE SCREAMED.
    It was a whole flock of doves rudely awakened and rushing out, narrowly missing our heads.

  8. Scientists say the earth is millions of years old.
    Scientists found a skeleton, said something like it was the missing link, or neanderthal. & Named it lucy.
    Christians say the earth is NOT that old, & God created the world & Adam and Eve.
    Perhaps scientists don't want people to discover that lucy IS REALLY A SKELETON OF BIG FOOT?

    Atheists don't believe in God, & wouldn't want ppl to know the Truth.

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