The Future of the West with Dr. Steve Turley
Dr Turley’s Channel can be found here: A link to his book can …
Dr Turley’s Channel can be found here: A link to his book can …
I think after 3 years it's due time to have another discussion with this guy.
Dr. Steve White Pill
Excellent discussion and I thoroughly enjoyed it
45:00 this is exactly what I think.
I think Islam will inherit the earth the way things are going
Hey Distributist.
                   Do you think elite culture could possibly be undermined by people who just stop listening to them? Yes the progressive left controls many institutions but colleges are suffering from declining enrollment, cable is getting cut by the day and Hollywood figures get made fun of when they make idiotic comments. These are three big pillars from where their influence comes from and all of their influence is declining.
With the rejection of the progressive culture is it not possible that there will be the creation of a new high culture in new innovative institutions? The reason I ask is the progressive left hates anyone who doesn't conform to their narrative which pushes people away and tarnishes the institutions they control.
Hello Distributist. I have just found your channel and I'm bingeing the content. It may be the best non-altright channel on Youtube.
The question is, why the name? Do you belive in distrubutism? Have you done a video on this?
I'd like to see more videos outlining Distributism, its theories and economic policies, as well as practical applications. I think many Americans who view themselves as left-leaning would be open to the theories. One side of my family is conservative, the other is liberal, both are Catholic, so they may be open to distributist ideas.
Amen! When the world implodes into another depression in the coming year traditionism will take swift control of every institution because people will have nowhere else to go.
Hey, The Distributist.
Not sure whether you will see it (hope you do). Detailing strategic perspectives. I will like to ask you two questions. In your stream with Marc Citadel, he talked about Progressive Conservatism, and compared it to Reactionary Movements, illustrating the differences.
If such is to succeed, how far do you think, the society has to go back? And if any "enclaves" are established as a last resort, how much time do you think one would have before the society falls, to rebuild it again?
I am non western in origin as you can make out from my username. The west has left an indelible imprint on global culture. Thats pretty special imo.
I hope the Distributionistivist-ist's grey pilling lifted to a light magnolia pilling during the course of this chin-wag 🙂
Before the Western half of the Roman Empire completely collapsed it went through several oscillations between greater religiosity and greater decadence. Of course their religiosity was a reaffirmation of the old Roman Gods.
But the empire ultimately went kaput.
So even if there is an upsurge in Christianity over the next generation, it could easily be followed by another collapse into decadence.
At some point the American Empire will completely fail. What will follow isn't clear: Islam, China, India, Africa, AI Robots?
So, Turley doesn't seem to realize that most of that growth is black Africans. Hardly, the demographics of western civilization. Churchians always make this mistake though.
The Distributist continues to be remarkably attached to the current institutions. Let them burn. If they don't serve a purpose, they shouldn't exist. We'll build our own, Western civilization had to do it when our universities idolized Aristotle to an unhealthy degree. The solution was the same: home schooling.
The early 2030s are going to be fucking chaos.
That was fantastic, thank you.
Dr. Steve Turley is as white pilled as Greg Johnson if not moreso.
People who are being optimistic will be in for a rude awakeaning cause this civ is going down. Prep for it, don't be complacent.
A Traditionalist Blowback…hmmm…i'm being blindsided by the extremely weird thought that we may have Islam to 'Thank' for getting this rolling…
33:00 – The Secularists want you to be Atheist, and that's because it's easier to control you if you are one. And since they don't reproduce, they are like vampires: they work to convert (oh I'm sorry, "deconvert") our children.
It's another reason to tell Secularists to shove it. (And no, please, don't explain the definition of Secularism. We understand Secularism is supposed to include all voices. But that's not what's happened and that's not where we are, it's like claiming "Feminism is about equality." No it isn't, and neither is modern Secularism.
24:00 Praise God, more conservative traditionalists breaking with Libertarian/NeoCon dogma and RECOGNIZING that corporate power is huge, insidious, and NOT "free market." What big corporations do is IN NO WAY "free market." They are an imposition on the free market, AND, an imposition on the culture. They are allowed to operate at our sufference–they have no inherent right to exist or operate in our communities after all. Corporatism is a real thing, and it's not "hippy dippy liberalism" to note it. Indeed, historically, the biggest critics of corporations and absentee ownership and national/international organizations was CONSERVATIVES.
It is CONSERVATIVE to be very suspicious of, monitoring of, and limiting to corporate power.
18:20 – I see this all the time. Once you turn Skeptical guns on Secularists, Progressives, "Liberals," Atheists, Feminists, etc. they all collapse completely in hysterical rage and incoherence. The Godlessness is the root of all of it, including the Postmodernism. Antireligiosity is utter and complete poison and those of us who see this should start denying Conversational Tolerance to anti-religious people. It's hard, but by now hopefully more and more people are seeing, refusing to give them an inch and refusing to even be nice to them is what it takes just to get them to stop and think. If they'll stop and think at all.
Christians might need to join Islam and convert it from the inside. A different kind if slow march through a different kind of institution… I wonder if they'd be as willing as Christians were in the West, to be marched through, so thoroughly…
BTW, this also illustrates why it is always a mistake to try working with the so-called "Atheist Community." This or that individual unbeliever is not a problem and never has been, but the popular Atheism sold to Millenials (which was demonstrably just another SocJus movement) is completely predicated on hatred and contempt for religious people, and the idea that Atheists own all the Secularism. Listen to enough of them speak and you realize that's exactly what they mean. Atheism is toxic for a culture just exactly as Cicero, Mill, and so many others have noted, precisely because it's an ideology that holds nothing sacred and respects nothing. And worse, this modern Atheism is actually a cult network with recruiters, talking points, training materials, and dodgy stats and "science" and lousy history, all predicated on DESTROYING RELIGION. These people give no quarter. They will permanently treat you and everyone else' who's religious like you have a mental illness, are retarded, or are otherwise dangerous. This isn't "personal experience." It's observable over a long period of time with hundreds of these people, and researching their history.
Secularism isn't trustworthy because ideological Atheists are not trustworthy, and they always try to take control of all the Secularism for themselves. This is what it really means every time they bellow "keep your religion out of my politics" and other such Fascistic garbage (and it literally is fascistic, BTW). Ditto "don't enforce your morals on me" (like they don't do that constantly?).
The non-Atheist majority has a right to notice what happens when "Non-Religious" people want to be "neutral" on religion and how they behave when they have power. Look at people like Sargon or Metokur or Kraut & Tea Steve Shives or Laci Green to see what they look like when they have power.
The Secular order will die because "Seculars" refuse to live tolerably with the rest of us.
Secularism has proven itself a system of oppression of religious voices and religious expression and religious rights. It was invented so we could all get along but has become something much more awful, mostly through Cultural Marxist word games where "Secular" now means "Atheist and intolerant of religion." The Secular order is tumbling because everybody hates it, even the Atheists (though they'll rarely admit it).
finally your pessimism gets tempered, haha
Christianity had its chance. Islam is the future. White Sharia now!
I'd love to see a discussion between you and Red Pill Germany, Politiekman or StateOfNation.
Great conversation. Very refreshing perspectives from Dr. Steve, this was a joy to listen to.
I love the positive outlook of this guy, despite the fact that I don't know I can believe him. I cannot imagine colleges going back to a traditional or conservative outlook.
He willfully ignores some glaring issues here in Europe. Merkel is a right wing chancellor, yet her politics are totally left wing. Same goes for many European center right parties. His optimism regarding growing number of religious ppl totally ignores, that fastest growing religion in Europe is islam. Once they hit a critical mass, its over for Christians here. Christianity is on decline in Europe, its almost death. You can cheer all day for 3 east European countries who declare themselves bastions of Christianity, it won't change the death of Christianity. Once islam took over, you will wish for secular countries. I agree, that the lack of core moral values in secularism is the big issue, but solely hoping for a religious based answer to it, won't fix it. Not as long as you have muslims flodding Europe. Islam is nowhere near as tolerant and pro individual as the Christian faith may be
That Merkel is barely clinging to power does not imply that she is successful. She has been extremely lucky in many ways otherwise she would already be history. Not only but also because of her ill-considered immigration policies. Now the new rightist party in Germany, AfD, is a very mixed bag. It started out as mainly a libertarian Euro-skeptic group but acquired both traditionalists, old conservatives (often former CDU) and unfortunately also some neonazi sympathizers as well as more that are just generally fed up with the stasis of German policies and/or very much against certain aspects of 12 years of Merkel, e.g. some of the European policies and more recently the immigration. Because the AfD was and still is internally divided and they were and still are often pedestrian or even stupid in presenting themselves (letting themselves too easily getting smeared as Nazis etc.) they are still quite weak. But I think we are a few big blunders (e.g. a terrorist attack or some gruesome gang rapes by migrants) away from an even more decisive switch in sympathies.
Still, I think Dr Turley is a little too optimistic. There will not be a slow and peaceful takeover by traditionalist in the next decades. Rather I expect fairly ugly fights between all kinds of factions with traditionalists being only one of many.
you should put his channel in the description of the video
Good discussion thanks for posting it.
Great video. Perhaps its because I'm fighting illness but Distributist you sound remarkably pessimistic. I think Professor Turley is making some good points. Don't be so down. Now I go cough and sneeze…
I desperately want to believe this. I don't know if I can.
A great chat. Have more with him! 🙂
Here's praying the day the Christian conservative reaches over 50% of the population comes soon. Close those boarders!
"Death of the centre-left in Europe."
Wtf is this guy on about? The centre-left in Europe has closer ties to the centre-right than most other classifications attempts, especially in the liberal sense.What most of us are unhappy about is the continued attempts in taking away regional control along with other shit like, freedom of speech (That is not fundamentally a "right" position, nor "left").This also does not hinder a globalist mindset unless you're an authoritarian shit stain, this depend on your definition of globalist I suppose, which seems highly contradictory here given the direction of this conversation.
Damn, wish I didn't miss this.
Christians pave the way NON NOBIS DOMINE!!