The Differences Between Training for Size Vs Strength
The ALL NEW RP Hypertrophy App: your ultimate guide to training for maximum muscle growth- …
The ALL NEW RP Hypertrophy App: your ultimate guide to training for maximum muscle growth- …
Just wanna comment on your shirt. Superman would beat the piss out of any DragonBall character. Easily.
bro i was training legs with powerlifting loads for like 18 sets/week, during the past 3 or 4 weeks, it was "working" for me, and i was adding weight and reps to my squat, feeling pretty nice, than, the last session it suddenly hit, i felt like literaly crap and couldn't do shit on my workout
Would love some references to this great vid.
My god… he's really starting to sound like Jim Cramer, but for muscles instead of stocks.
One can tell how much gear he is on by how hard he blinks. Jk.
😂that shirt is awesome.
What about strength in the more static sense? Holding the muscle in the contracted ‘state’. How does muscle size relate to that? I guess “not much”, but that doesn’t explain anything. I’ve seen many examples of ‘big muscle-guys’ seemingly very weak in that sense.
Liked because of the shirt😎
I think you're great but I really could've used a definition of strength at the beginning of the video. Lift something heavy, or do something longer. Or some mixture or another way of looking at it. I got a little hung up on it.
I’m just trying to stave off old age and death.
can you do a new video maybe youve learnt something new in the last four years or little adjustments?? am to poor for your memver or app..
Mike please, I want this shirt, where can I get it?
I like this background you’re a jacked professor X bring it back for your current videos
does the 3-6 rep range change based on the actual workout (curls, pullups, whatever) that you're doing?
9:05 lol
Ugh. Fuck. I don't think I know what I'm doing.
bro thinks Vegeta beats Superman
I am thoroughly confused but I am going to hit chest today.
Not 1 filthy Joke – this is so old. I love have you have come on 😂
Bottom line. I've been lifting too heavy for hypertrophy. I was lied to in the past. Big time.
Felt like I was watching Hannah Montana
I think this explains Anatoly.
Could someone answer this please: Why is there a difference at all? It sounds like if I train for strength, I'll get 3 points into strength and 1 point into size. If I train for hypertrophy, I'll get 1 point into strength and 3 points into size. Why? Why does it work that way?
Very helpful info for all who work out. I personally am more interested in strength, if I ever progress past beginner.
Isn't strength primary – ie. once you've achieved a high degree of strength, isn't it easy to convert that to size, without losing much strength?
This is my work out Routine I would like some people's opinions on it. I work out friday saturday sunday And then work construction
The other four days i work Construction .Friday I work out chest 4×8 155lb then 4×8 145 then 4×8 130 All binch press And then I do cable crossovers With some push ups. Saturday I do back and arms Which consists of mostly weighted pull up I will do a heavy set five times five, with forty five pounds Strapped to me Then I will do
4 × 8 with 30 pounds and then 4 × 10 at 25 pounds.
And then four times twelve body weight pull ups Then I will finish it off with dumbbell curls Hanging to both of my sides. Sunday is squat day I do 4×8 155 then 4×8 145 then 4×8 135 All squats.
Dear Dr Brolic, if you are a casual/intermediate gym goer, but you’ve never really trained specific muscles for strength or hypertrophy😅, are you still a beginner or is there like systemic non-beginner status? (Asking for a friend)
2024 anyone ???
That's the coolest shirt I've ever seen!
I would like to have a guide like that for mobility training..
I love that shirt
So, what I am understanding is that we need to run a strength building program and a hypertrophy program separately? like 3 months per program?
mymans head muscles are stronger than i will ever be but batman would kill vegeta…stoppit
Cool t shirt
dear mike i know that's an old video but there is a chance you might see it. Can i just do my first set go reeeaaally heavy going for strength adaptation and the next 3 sets for size with lower weight and more reps? please see me you baldheaded cute big bad boy❤
Always trying to get you in the pipline. 7:30 lol love your content.
He said Mr Potato Head 😂
Lore acurate shirt
I tried watching just to understand why anyone would want to be big, but not strong, if that's even possible, but that's not in there is it…
eight minutes in. How does this correlate with Pavel's strength program having me doing 40 sets of six reps Onthe minute. I get exhausted, but am growing stronger… I think.
I just noticed the vest he has, vegeta holding superman and batman a man of culture i see 🥸
I’m going to do what I always do is watch the first five minutes and go from there. And what that tells me is to just do sets of 5 or 6 and you will get strong and big. Nice
I wish I'd have seen this video 35 years ago when I was just starting to train as a young man. Back then all I could ever get exposed to was the body building plans that were printed in a Weider magazine, with no explanation at all as to what it was optimizing (hypertrophy) and why. Better late than never, I guess.
What about 70-80%1rm, rep range 1-3, emom, for 20, 30, 40 minutes?