The Democrats are panicking over this: MAGA ETF creator

Point Bridge Capital founder Hal Lambert weighs in on Trump’s fundraising haul and polling amid his New York trial. #foxbusiness …


35 thoughts on “The Democrats are panicking over this: MAGA ETF creator

  1. We walked over there after the Yankee game. It wasn't raining. Enthusiastic crowd. Mostly white. Definitely not Bronx residents. Lots of cops. Maybe 1000 people total.

  2. Knowing the Democrats they going to find ways to start trouble for this campaign Democrat are Trump haters and they're just looking for ways to derail this campaign. Democrats need to let America be America and stop interfering in trying to make America great again

  3. All this poll crap and voting sideshow BS and the trials against Trump and the crimes stacking up against biden, it's all a distraction and all meant to divide us more. The deepstate already has plans in motion to protect their widespread corruption and power and it has nothing to do with the democrats winning the Whitehouse in 2024 but getting a deepstate yes man in the Whitehouse and keeping Trump out, by ANY means necessary.

  4. All of these trials all coming about at the same time during the election period that are cases that are years and years behind and some of them the statute of limitations ran don't even try to convince the people that it's not a sham then it's not being political from the White House anybody with an IQ over 4 can see right through this Smokescreen

  5. Hard core Democrats are much too brainwashed to be influenced by facts. They hate Trump too much to listen to facts. They think they are voting to save democracy. They watch/read the media that lie to them, and are thus kept brainwashed. Then there are those that simply want their debt cancelled; their votes are being purchased. We can only hope that enough of them realize what is going on and cast their votes for Trump and republicans in Congress. Joe

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