The Contract – Full Movie

A father (John Cusack) and his son attempt to bring in an assassin (Morgan Freeman) to the authorities, but his dangerous …


36 thoughts on “The Contract – Full Movie

  1. Does anyone know what year this one came out in I think the kid is someone I reconize in a new flick but hes older, not sure if its the same guy is all?

  2. George Freeman is perfect playing FBI agent and detective. I always love his acting. John Cusak got tired with Hollywood politics. He calls his own shots. He lives a private life in Chicago.

  3. Morgan has a way of being the best part of a movie while being second on the bill. Not because he couldn’t, but because that’s where he shines. When I think of the person of God I will see his face.

  4. Any competent chess player is never surprised by a checkmate. If you're any good you should realize it's completely unavoidable and resign at least three moves before.

  5. This movie annoyed me simply because I cannot stand when people don’t mind their own business . He had his kid with them ? The minute he had to put a gun on him he should’ve ran away with his kid . Dumb movie .

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