The Biggest Game You’ve Never Heard Of
This is the story of how one man built a best selling indie game from what looked completely broken. MORE GOOSE …
This is the story of how one man built a best selling indie game from what looked completely broken. MORE GOOSE …
Hope you guys like the deep dive into a game developers story, I find it fascinating and hope to do more <3
Watch Why Games Aren't "Fun" Anymore Next 👉
Gun reload music
Actual slop content
Tomas is that dude 😂
Glad to see Marty Mcfly made it safe and sound 👌
This is one of the coolest game dev analysis videos I've seen, subscribed for more!
1:54 you butchered it my friend 💀
6:14 Eminem reference 😅
It just came out in VR, i might try it now. Great video, entertaining 👏
broken down its just a "coop" octodad 😀
you look like the protagonist in Wolfenstien
My god you are such an underrated content maker! Pure gold. All videos!
Still cant believe your not a million+ subs yet. Content is always top tier.
it seems to be seldom if ever said, but I feel mobile games to be the inheritor of the TRUE nature of Arcade games. from quarter eater to quarter eater. its a shame it then transferred to consoles and PC games.
I’ve watched two videos and made realization that you should definitely have more subscribers bruh you really put the work in these videos stupidly entertaining and informative on stuff i didn’t know i even needed to be informed about‼️‼️
343 industries' existence has caused me nothing but grief for my favorite fps series… at least we have mcc- "sees rampant hacker problem" ….god dammit you guys suck. Microsoft too for letting it happen
more music trailers..
Lol "screams in canadian". Best subtitle ever
Love your videos man. Absolute quality stuff.
I remember when LoL was new, and there was no meta. We built the meta, and there was a thrill when people broke it in ways that won the game, especially in competition. The game started going down hill for me when they tried to officially force the players to play the meta with specialized rolls. The best games are when the developers make a game that they can't predict how the players will play it.
10:08 yes
Goose is built for greatness. we just waiting till he pops off
I can't wait for the second part. You see, I love this game. Played with friends when it launched, and a couple of years later with the kids. But coming back to the game I've noticed how rich and sometimes absurd this game's steam workshop page is. It has over 500k entries. Some are just rather plain levels with the Garfield movie playing somewhere. Some are highly intricate puzzle worlds. Lots of copyrighted materials, levels that have been deleted (but there are videos on youtube about them). It's amazing. It's a mess. Here is your second part. And, as usual, great video!
😂 I love the rant! It's very true!