The Best (and worst) Games I Played in 2023

The best and worst games 2023. #gaming Channel Membership …


37 thoughts on “The Best (and worst) Games I Played in 2023

  1. Is quite interesting realizing that taste among game critics&reviwers can vary so much. I also noticed that the preferences of some may hint about your affinity of a particular game, regardless of scores. On the other hand, though, sometimes it makes me to wish I had a "personality" that'd make certain titles or genres more enjoyable or yielding to me.

  2. Beth fail to show slight differences in each universe is even more of a joke considering Blade Runner game… I bet most Starfield player were not even born in 1997 so they got no idea what this game is, but in 1997 this game had slight randomizations, few dozen different little things I think, so when you played in second or third time not everything was the same, so slight changes to NPCs, your choices and in the end you had something like 10 or so endings… and it was 1997. Witcher 3 did it as well and did it pretty good, again slight differences, pseudo choices… like when you meet with Baron people in a tavern, you can be aggressive or not, doesnt change much but it creates a good illusion.

  3. to the cyberpunk point, nah it got the flack it deserved, just cause you like 1 PART of a game doesn't mean the actual problems are irrelevant, thats how you get the mediocrity of the current industry
    its LUCKY to of fixed itself

  4. don't buy BG3 people:
    getting big awards doesn't mean much just broad design to appease

    just a broad appeal game, it has a lot but its bloat and allows a lot cause it refuses to draw a line on anything, it seems "wow" cause its most first crpgs but more so cause its a studio most don't know about it so they view it as a small ending
    – patching the game isn't praise worthy, it means it came out in a terrible state and the fact its STILL being patched isn't a good thing
    – agenda filled (trans kids, vulgarity and as he said everything is just sexualized cause that's why D&D has become)
    – amorphous design so nothing matters, not agency just a lack of game direction

    could go deeper but its a far cry from BG of old and telling of itself why

  5. Cannot possibly disagree harder with the idea of starfield replacing faction quests and side quests with procedurally generated shit. While they may not be great, when I play RPGs, I sign up for fun side quests written by human beings. Procedurally generating stuff can be fun if used well, but only as a bonus. We really shouldn't be encouraging studios to start procedurally generating everything in their games, or at some point a robot might as well do it for them.

  6. Such a shame I didn’t enjoy baldurs gate like you did I really did want to enjoy it but I tried divinity original sin 2 but both games were just too overwhelming with a billion menus and complicated combat that just made me hate the gameplay. If they gave us a spinoff with the same great story but just make it an action rpg instead? I think it’ll even appeal to EVEN more people.

  7. Aww please, the other titles i agree on, but Starfield is one of the best of 2023, if not the best, its my goty. But we all know, how talking badly about it, gets u clicks, u literally doing that here…… Its the most played singleplayer still, needless to say most people dont find it dissaponting…..

  8. for me, one of the scene that sold definitly disco elyseum as a masterpiece was the swing scene at the midle of the game.
    You seat with somoene who start to become a friend , I décided i kinda wanted to impress him by doing my best… You wait for a car to be accessible as the frost arround it is melting… A very quiet and melancolic atmosphere in instaled… you exchange few words… I was totaly absorbed in the now….
    big spoiler

    then the frost recead enough to see the number plate. … a numberplate you know as the player, as it's a very important sidequest for you're character.
    and Kim, your companion, know also verywell this numberplate… and i was starting to realise exactly as the same time as my character and kim what car it was.
    you're character is horrified. kim is as empathic as ever… and god i had one of the biggest laugh i ever had in my gaming experience, i couldn't stop before at least 2 minute of ininterupted laugh. but i'm pretty sure i also felt the distress of the hero discovering it was his car that he lost after being hammered.

    The game take itself seriously, a lot… but also know that he take itself seriously and use that to subvert your expectation, as would someone using dry humour very well.
    but i think it can be a dangerous bet, because if somoene start to be annoyed by the game… this kind of humour has far less chance to hit.

  9. Sorry, man, but the relationships and romances are important and some of the most rewarding elements of BG3. And I applaud this game for being bold enough to include things like…oh, I don't know, something fun and adult like sex.

  10. The moment I first saw you gush about Cyberpunk and how you still liked it even before the fixes, as well as your love for Mass Effect, and now how you said you found Disco Elysium boring convinced me that you are the video game content creator that I share my tastes with the most. Hope you explore more niche and less popular games so I can have someone discover non-mainstream titles for me.

  11. Im so glad watching this that someone else feels the same way about Disco Elysium. Its not a bad game but man its such an almost pretentious game to me. Like its really well written with a lot to say but all of that just lands flat when most of the dialog feels like you are in a room with a bunch of people saying a ton of really big words that dont always make sense.

  12. Its saddens me disco elysium didnt click with you. Its probably my secind favorite game ever. Maybe first depending on the day you ask me. But I can see how you dont like the obscurity of the writing.

    Im someone who does not engage with politics at all usually, i hardly know the differences between right and left wing (never payed attention in school lmol), and definately felt like sometimes the game was trying to make a point about say conservatism, that I just couldnt get. But on the flip side, I found myself trying to interpret these mini political monlougues from the narrator regardless, and i thought it was a lot of fun to do so. Later I would find myself searching up political ideologies on the internet, and so you could say the game sparked interest in a subject I never cared for. I do think the game lives and dies by its heavy political inspirations though for sure.

    As for the setting and the narrator voice. I love love love both. I know its going to sound really corny, but i played this game during a time of my life where I felt very hopless. And I think the pale and the idea that your living in a place surrounded by it, almost getting swllowed whole by it till everyone forgets its there, was reflective of how I viewed my own situation. Im also just a fan of lovecraftian atmoshpere, and the whole watch out for the ocean, shit goes missing out there, type of vibe. Hits the spot for me every time for me. Which is also probably why I like dredge so much.

    And the nareator. I just like em, nothing to say there. But I digress, a lot of what I mentioned is just preference.

    One thing im surprised people dont mention when critiquing the game is actually how the outcomes of the characters and their sidequests dont really change as much as you would think on repeat playthroughs. A lot of them just lock you out if you dont have the approproate skills. The whole "your decisions matter," thing wasnt that prevalent in disco to me. Although there are some interesting things that everyone should do like beating up measure head, on repeat playthroughs judt for the fun of it, and the story is good enough for me to not care. Honestly I thought thats where your critique was going at first, but i guess more reasons to pile on for you!

    Anyhow. Enjoyed the video, might try the warhammer crpg, have a good one!

  13. Whoa! Someone who has the odd opinion as I do with Mass Effect 1 being the best and Wasteland 3 being an amazing RPG. Have to sub to this man of culture before I finish ME3 on my channel, even if I disagree with your take on Alan Wake II, I thought it was lazy and derivitive. I will have to check out Lethal Company to play with friends. I also have Disco Elysium in my queue to play in 2024, so I put my hand over my ears and said lalalla during that part. I did hear from multiple people that Pizza Tower is probably the best game of the year, but I am not into speedrun platformers. Anyway, awesome presentation and pace on this review, cannot wait for your next one! Oh and my favorite game of the year is Age of Empires II Definitive edition. Yes, a game that came out almost 30 yrs ago

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