The BEST Ability Cards in Red Dead Online (RDR2) PvE

The BEST Ability Cards in Red Dead Online (RDR2) PvE SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE! In this video I want to show you guys …


41 thoughts on “The BEST Ability Cards in Red Dead Online (RDR2) PvE

  1. Love the snide comment about SB players being brain dead. I can understand the sentiment as a lot of SB players run around with a pump, but a handful of us use it in combination with bows and snipers to punish people who rely on lock on mechanics. To us, its everybody else who is brain dead running around thinking they can get easy lock on headshots with PiB Repeaters and SaS Mausers.

    Tho I do have to admit. R* really fucked up the snipers on console recently.

  2. My personal build is a solo PVE setup cause NONE of my friends play RDO, & I avoid PVP like a colonoscopy, & yes, it’s because I suck at it. Anyways, my setup is #1 “Paint It Black” Obviously, this card is just to… Red Dead to not use. #2 “Eye For An Eye” for poppin NPC’s or griefer’s melons & getting chunks of dead eye back for doing it. #3 “Peak Condition” So I can keep my character fat n’ happy to get the health buff from being overweight while minimizing the stamina debuff from being overweight. Plus it gives you the potential to deal more damage depending on how much stamina you have at the time, Bonus! Finally #4 “The Unblinking Eye” This last card helps my dead eye last longer & if I use it sparingly to get melon shots, it takes a very long time to drain dead eye if you ever drain it at all, & because it also boosts Eagle Eye it helps with tracking or finding animals, fish, herbs, plants, collectibles, bounties, exc. I have a few other cards but I always come back to these four without fail.

  3. Any suggestions on card combo for me, im purely pve,, basically never use dead eye, i play run and gun style- mainly shotty & navy revs, looking to be able to shotty rush and survive ty

  4. Anyone think slow and steady (L3), Come back stronger (L3), Iron lung (L3) and kick in the butt (L2)

    A good card loadout for PVP and if you would change anything what would it be ???

    Thanks …

  5. What's the deal with using paint it black for like .5 seconds with every single shot? As a PC player at rank 138 I literally never use dead eye.. it's just plain overkill. Enemies can be easily headshot without any effort as is, making paint it black an unnecessary step for anything that'll go down in a single hit anyway. The damage reduction while dead eye is active card is better, but I still almost never use that because the incoming damage isn't usually enough to worry about anyway (even on a 5 star bounty). I leave that card equipped, but use dead eye so rarely I usually just forget it's even a thing.

    Honestly, after watching this video.. yeah. No thanks. This guy centers everything around paint it black. Also, winning streak? Seriously? 99% of the time I only have to shoot a target once as is, and the other 1% of the time a light breeze could finish them off.

    Personally I use gunslinger and strange medicine. Gunslinger makes my revolvers have pinpoint accuracy and increases their damage (not that you really need it, with headshots). The "bloom" eliminating effect of paint it black is pointless when your guns basically don't have bloom anyway. With two revolvers I have 18 shots and an additional 2 shotgun shots if I swap to the secondary fire mode. My third card is unblinking eye, simply for eagle eye. I can keep it up almost nonstop if I want to while collecting stuff. The dead eye card doesn't even really matter, because I never even activate dead eye. I think I've got slow and steady equipped, for serious "oh crap" situations.. though I'll generally just pop a tonic as a first instinct.

  6. I honestly pretty much always use either S&S or NWO

    I don't understand how so many players are fine with being one shot in the head but tbh I'm not complaining since it makes pvp much easier

  7. The hell happened to defence cards? Troll posses will just ride by and shred me when I am trying to do daily challenges or moon shine deliveries use to take a couple shots with defense cards on now like one or 2 shots no matter what.

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