The Amazing Lucas PANICS & CRIES FOUL After Getting EXPOSED For Threats Towards Black Conservatives!
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This is my first and last direct response to this individual. Let his channel rest in peace.
"There needs to be code enforcement… wrong colors in the wrong hood…" But, he never threatened anybody… And, who will be the "enforcer?" Lucas?
"Coon" and "Sambo…"?! He's an idiot! "If this is private video among your family…"
Greg has never seemed like anything but an American citizen. Why does this Amazing Leftist believe Greg is foreign born?
"Ramaswamaboobaboo… whatever his name is…" His last name is not that difficult! He's just showing himself to be one of the biggest racists around! Ramaswamy is an American born of Indian descent. If he wasn't American born, he couldn't run for president. The same argument is made by the Left about Barack Obama. Rightly so.
And, if white Americans decide they want to boycott a form of entertainment, it's up to them. We can decide to vote with our wallets.
Why does Lucas believe a black individual thinking for themselves is against black people in general? He likes to believe that HE'S free-thinker. Does THAT go against black people in general?
Never heard of him… course I'm a baby boomer. He actually sounds very immature and possible mentally ill. First impressions.
Yall are the same age though
Lucas was consumed by the dark side 😮😮😮
Man I used to listen to Lucas awhile back and he went off the rails
He got that US A.I.D pay lol
I am glad that you said this is the first and the last time you respond to this idiot, don't waste your time with idiot lile that, keep doing what you doing bro.
Black people can't be Racist, bigoted yes, Racism requires power
Lift every voice was song by Indigenous Black Americans and it was song at black Americans schools decades ago. It’s not racist it’s a song!!! When you’re against reparations it’s not normal! It’s usually because your parents are not indigenous black Americans. Because you don’t argue about Jews receiving reparations or Ukrainians.
You usually say it’s not enough money but leave other group out of the argument. Being born in America and having citizenship was for black indigenous Americans not everyone.
It's sad but he just became the next Andy Warski, Hunter Avalone type leftist. Clearly hurt by something or someone and lashes out after gaining that 15 mins of fame.
So you’re not even really American?
For us that watch you's content regularly pay no attention to people like him amigo. You's doing great reporting!!!
Yeah, he’s got a 😻 on you George.
I dont know what happened to this kid..he was well centered well minded person..and flipped like a time i saw him his mind and his idea were crazy..y think he is on drugs or something..i had to unfollowed him..
This guy has gone off on the deep end. I think he must’ve been bought or something because he used to be a staunch conservative.
I use to really like Lucas. He had some great takes back in 2016-2018. Then he started to say some weird random woke BS. I unsubbed. Then I saw him attacking Greg. Thats when I went and talked crap to him on his platform.
This guy is either a phony, as if you saw his earlier shows he was 180 degrees the opposite of what he has on there or very Weak minded and was indoctrinated bt the Left. I stopped watching his shows a long time ago (Probably 3 or 4 years) when he started to rant and sounded like he had a total mental melt down. All you have to do is see his original shows and they will be self explanatory. Ignore this clown, I am a regular listener of your show and honestly get most of my news due to I cannot stand the legacy Media and I know you always show the truth with insightful opinions. I am retired Navy and now run a business but if this clown ever tries to act on his rhetoric, don't think you don't have people out here that would just sit by and watch, if you catch my drift.
nothing but a racist and I bet he believes that he' not cause he's black pathetic. Talk about stupid !
Look fam just keep growing and while he falling and floundering LOL
FBA hahaha
That lucas dude is definitely a woke revolutionary lefty that loses it on a daily!!
I called that dude “amazing Liberal”! He’s a grifter!
I think he's gay for you!
Don’t waste your time with this guy. Don’t give him relevance. Lucas is just a confused fan at this point.
What? I used to like his channel. I can't remember now why I quit following, but I'm sure it was the start of this kind of dumb thinking . He used to be common sense. He's gone full crazy. Dumb