‘That Was A Lie!’: Ted Cruz Gets Enraged By Democrats’ Claims About U.S.-Mexico Border | 2023 Rewind
This past year, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) repeatedly voiced his anger at Democrats approach to and claims about the U.S.-Mexico …
This past year, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) repeatedly voiced his anger at Democrats approach to and claims about the U.S.-Mexico …
Thank you so much for saying Donald Trump did the best. Yes easy comparison, Trump outdid Biden tremendously. That’s right, they are a radical left.
This woman is driving me nuts. Instead of yes or no she’s got to give a speech.
demarats want votes
Radicals are Traitors and they need to brought to Justice ….NOW
Trump had the best closed Border as President….if you want a close Border and a huge deportation in our country …Then vote Trump on Nov 5
She answers questions just like mayorkis
thank you for clarity!
Ted Cruz for president
This was December 21-23 IT IS FAR WORSE NOW .. The cameras at the border are broken So they DO NOT KNOW how many really are coming in …😮
The Dems Suck period 🗣️
Mr. Cruz, you are the man.
The left dont care. All they care about is power.
Mr. CRUZ must feel like he is beating his head against a wall.
amazing orator
Harris is doing this deliberately,she is beyond a doubt the Traitor from within ,she should be in prison for treason.
Lots of Republicans politicians are fits for US President. He is one of them. Trump, Ted, JD, and many more
mfcelio bielsa he is like ted cruz he plants seeds makes you yhink im on to this american set of mind your a bit like us you know wwhats right and wrong lets you know what wre fighting for batman superman spider man iron man captain america rick grimes george washington lol love this guy i need a good role model
te d cruz you are a mo fo soldier a fucking leader you speak from the heart like a geezer a fucking general and shame on them reporters for not reporting pure scum in my eyes evil isnt the word im from the uk and i think god will interfere in this election i know ted cruz isnt lying or trying to get votes and my faith in humanity has been restored and i dont give a flying fuck about the mans if any past transgressions i love this guy from leeds united vyt service crew ihs young service
Thank you Ted Cruz-where is the accountability for the dereliction of duty at our border? Thousands of families are still mourning the loss of their loved ones due to these illegal drugs, crimes committed against innocent people by illegal aliens, gangs taking over apartment complexes, and entire neighborhoods!!!! Where is the accountability for the suffering of the American people because of these actions taken by our government?
The government is letting it in.
Mr Cruise is 100 percent right!!!