Texas Cartel Heist | Bloody Revenge on Drug Dealers | Crime, Betrayal and Retribution Full Movie HD

Two daring thieves set their sights on an incredible prize: $80 million in hidden drug money stashed on a famous Texas ranch …


41 thoughts on “Texas Cartel Heist | Bloody Revenge on Drug Dealers | Crime, Betrayal and Retribution Full Movie HD

  1. its very cute that everybody comments where they're watching from… but no review or actual commentary on here… i'd like to know before i waste 90minof my life on crap! Low budget crap with with a Sh@t ending…no depth,no character growth, just gun blazing crap! its a no from me from Cape Town!

  2. what a totall waste of time.. the plot sucks the twists are confusing and dont make sense the ending is a total clif hanger that doesnt even hang it comes crashing into a dead end with a wtf that shit was f stupid

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