70yo Woman Takes on the Police

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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He Laughed After Punching an Old Lady

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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Here’s Why You Don’t Punch a Cop #2

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org. Download your crash video today. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. The video is presented to provide genuine footage of police incidents to promote transparency in government while providing educational, informative and newsworthy content allowing viewers to examine and…

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“Childless Cat Lady” vs. Police

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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Police Encounter a Packers Fan- in the Wild

A support group for those struggling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DieHardPackerFan/ This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org. Download your crash video today. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. The video is presented to provide genuine footage of police incidents to promote transparency in government while providing educational, informative and…

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Don’t Attack Cops at a Murder Scene

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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Bratty Karen Calls 911 on the Police

The hypefinity camera detector is a scam. Don’t buy from them. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business inquires? Email our board at mn.safety.alerts@gmail.com. BE NICE: The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos…

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