He Messed Around and Found Out

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Attack the Police

https://pnl.link/70SWr3P 👆make $$ playing games👆 CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business inquires? Email our board at mn.safety.alerts@gmail.com. BE NICE: The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be…

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She Tried Seducing the Police

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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How to Get a $150,000 Bond

https://pnl.link/e9GYALV 👆make $$ playing games👆 CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business inquires? Email our board at mn.safety.alerts@gmail.com. BE NICE: The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be…

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Her Family Left Her After This

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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They Mocked Police Until This Happened

This video is sponsored by SafetyVid.org which uses a network of 10,000 cameras to automatically capture video of highway crashes. Yes, you can get video of YOUR crash today at SafetyVid.org. Please consider JOINING for $1 a month. It *really* helps us do original reporting like this. CONTACT US: Complaints? Video submissions? Sponsorships? Collabs? Business…

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