The Horrifying Legends of Portlock, Alaska
Why did they leave? Let’s explore one of the most infamous ghost towns in north America. This is the terrifying story of … source
Why did they leave? Let’s explore one of the most infamous ghost towns in north America. This is the terrifying story of … source
Join us on a chilling expedition through the Scariest Ghost Towns in the World, as we delve into their dark and mysterious … source
If you’re in your home right now, could you do us a favor? Look around it. Take it all in. Look at all the stuff you have in it, where … source
This house has been abandoned since 1981 with everything left behind. Canada Explore #59 This is an amazing abandoned … source
montsaintmichel #medievalvillage #exploringabandonedplaces Mont Saint-Michel, this magical island topped with a medieval … source