Supreme Court Declines Challenge After Stunning Appeal Reversal
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Epoch Times $1 Sale: Stock Up on Emergency Food: Episode Resources: …
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Remember the Roman Empire….?
We're heading in that direction.
Someone doesn’t think the blacks are as smart as anyone else and they need to lower the standards..
if I was a black person this would make me mad..
A society cannot grow to its greatest if it is not distributed resources to those who show the most promise of achievement
There are those who do not measure up and other avenues can be pursued more aligned with their level of ability
We need to face some serious facts of life and that there are those who simply cannot achieve for prosper regardless of what you give away to them
Race/sex should never be a consideration when selecting the best of the best. The motivation to work hard and excel is removed when you hand positions out to unqualified people based on race/sex just to move numbers around for racisits/sexists.
Only Merit can save US schools and only US private schools can save the nation (private, since public-schools are unconstitutional).
Race based makes stupid kids
The whole idea of that school to start with was to select those that would excel so using DEI to fill the classes defeats the whole idea and drags the school down. I can see the Asian parents getting together and pulling all their children out and starting a private school. I'm white but I have no problem at all with an Asian or any other student that has worked hard and is smarter being there ahead of anyone.
dumbmification of america
Wheelchair Access to the court 😅 president policy holder 357
Retaliation deliberately constitutional
Once again, and as always:
If your theory does not agree with reality,
believe reality and come up with a new theory.
Social engineering Is engineered by the devil
The 4th circuit is thinking like Democrats. The Bill of Rights doesn't give rights to groups, it gives rights to individuals. Any individual who can prove that the government discriminated by race or color in providing benefits directly to him or her, in violation of the 15th Amendment to our Constitution, should prevail.
Asian students study harder. They are encouraged to study and make something of themselves by their families. If a student has what it takes, they will get a spot. Making academics a priority over sports is the key factor.
Social engineering ? Is that not what every Dedicated Racist tries to Have ? What is so wrong about people being only an Individual and not a Mandatory Representative of some Group ?
Group Rights ? Whenever Group Rights over ride Individual’s ability and productivity , the result will always be Discrimination which damns a Nation .
Perhaps they should address why their don't prepare everyone equally.
The high school rankings are a joke. No question Bronx Science is the best STEM high school in the entire world let alone the USA. Just ask what high school has the most Nobel prize winners. I did not attend Bronx Science.
So they want to balance the "races" in a school by accepting people without lookin at their race… geniously stupid. DC is special.
ok, SCOTUS, I guess slavery and segregation is just fine, as long as it's below a percentage?
Selectively enforcement of any narrative is derisive and actually inequality encapsuled. For shame is to blame.
Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.
But When the the wicked man rules, the people groan.
Don’t change🫠 be a soul.
Enter stupidity. Kidding🙄
Force on this level goes unnoticed.
Because it doesn’t exist.
Because where simply inviting folks looking for opportunity, the access, they’ll show up.
A real learning experience for everyone making decisions for the future.
Education can’t be dictated by race! Not all races learn at heart same pace……ASIANS HAVE MORE TWO PARENT FAMILY…. Whites and blacks have more inequality parent households………
Brains and Environment, two parent homes are superior!
"But wouldn’t it be almost cool to have that power?”, evidentlysome agree
Why even have this school? The purpose of this school was to educate further “the cream of the crop”. If you can’t make the grade…you’re out!
DEMOCRAT IDIOCY…the whole bunch should be ashamed.
Based on what Romans interpretation is its ok to discriminate against a few ?????
Utter Bullshit !
Dumbing down😂😂😂🤮🤮🤮
Stupid in. Stupid out. Yup! lying biden's new world order.
Asians have great family dynamics and discipline. That is the missing equation factor.
We haven't had true "merit" in this country for over 50 years. Thank God the systemic race bias law was recently found unconstitutional
Maybe this is idealistic but the question should be asked, why change the school admissions policy? If the answer is, to balance the races attending the school, then it is racially motivated and should be scrapped.
Thanks Roman. We always believe you present the most logical and fair presentation of the facts.
"Meritocracy." Do you want the best surgeon to do your heat surgery, or a "racial" PC former student to operate on you?
The Left makes this argument when it comes to prisons. There are too many Blacks and not enough Whites when compared to the demographics of America.. They feel this needs to be changed…
I respectfully disagree that it’s not a death blow. It is a death blow regarding public education in Virginia. In the future, I surmise the Asian communities will open private schools and set their own standards. The more you force DE&i down Americans’ throats and up Americans’ asses, the more polarized the USA becomes. Other than that, it’s par the course.
Forget race, just use racial questions