State Department Official Grilled On Offering ‘Official Condolences’ To Iran After President’s Death

During a press briefing on Monday, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller answered reporter questions on Iranian …


46 thoughts on “State Department Official Grilled On Offering ‘Official Condolences’ To Iran After President’s Death

  1. Can someone ask Matt why Israel police arrested the American staff of aid boat floatilla at Israeli airport? Why did they beat them while detained and then deported when they had tickets to fly out!!!!

  2. USA employs double and triple standards to its foreign policies. WMD as the excuse to attack Iraq was one of them. The reason was to prevent demise of dollar against euros as Saddam had stopped accepting dollar for euros. Millions of Iraqis lost their lives, families and livelihoods turning the country into a poverty stricken corner of the globe.
    I am sure there’s a solid reason behind this act of condolence as also the false accusation that India plotted someone’s killing in inaccessible parts of the universe

  3. What a shameful display of stabbing the freedom loving people of Iran, and in particular the many families that monster Raisi had their loved ones executed. Shame on you, Biden, and shame on you, Bliken.

  4. Condolences for the butcher …. Get this administration out in November please. I’ve seen enough…. And by the way I voted for this clown show the 1st time. I’ve learned the hard way from my initial voting mistake

  5. Really!?! Do you think about Iranian ppl?!!
    Then why you put sanctions and we couldn’t find medication for my father who was cancer patient!!!
    Thank you so much for your specific attention to us! But sorry we don’t need it ! Do us a favor be brave and tell the world what you did and are doing to Iranian ppl!

  6. What freedom for Iranians they are talking about ? As the matter of fact Americans do not have any freedom what so ever . If you talk againts zionists you pay the price just like Hellen Thomas and many others. Now a days students across US have been grilled over their objections over opossing the Genocide in Gaza . So who dosent have freedom ?

  7. How long did it take the White House to say condolences to Riley Lankin or the 13 US Marines that died in Afganistan? Certainly longer than less than 24 hours.

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