1:52 use your rights to bare arms! Have a pew pew, take classes, carry, carry, CARRY, carrryyyy! I can't stress it enough. You have no reason to fear a gun learn to use it take a class respect it and make sure you are ready at all times. Male or female it doesn't matter. Especially if you live alone it don't matter how rich you are, how secluded you think you live, what security systems you have. It may absolutely never happen to you but you want to know that you will always be ready just incase. And don't let anyone tell you different I'm saying this for the men out there who let their wives rule over them and tell them what will and will not go on in a mans house.
The way i gasped when her head peaked around the corner through the crack of the door while the other chick is inside the closet gathering all the receipts . lolol I did the whole hard , HuuuuuhhhhhhhHHhhhh
So she's scared from the attack but yet she's out there taking pictures of the neighbors. She wants to start another attack. Is she the one stalking the neighbors? SMH
That's why the nice didn't want to explicate the guy because s had him to do it come how else could someone get in she covered her tracks of being gone before leaving was sure leaving garage open . Movies show people how to d a crime look how easy guy broke in😮
no such thing as a safe neighborhood…also it is not illegal to take pictures of neighbors or anyone else in public…only time is if you are on their property at the time
Spoiler alert!
Why kill her own aunt just to inherit her money? I would never do that to my aunt. She’s in another country anyways 😅
With a mom like hers who needs enemies lol wtf way to go LMN 😂
This is a good movie! If you are thinking about watching it, definitely give it a try 😊
I love that you guys aren’t giving away spoilers lol i wanna know who’s the killer lol 😭
I think they name this movie wrong they should of name its am salking my neighbour
Just because an neighborhood looks safe doesn’t mean it’s actually safe 👀
1:52 use your rights to bare arms! Have a pew pew, take classes, carry, carry, CARRY, carrryyyy! I can't stress it enough. You have no reason to fear a gun learn to use it take a class respect it and make sure you are ready at all times. Male or female it doesn't matter. Especially if you live alone it don't matter how rich you are, how secluded you think you live, what security systems you have. It may absolutely never happen to you but you want to know that you will always be ready just incase. And don't let anyone tell you different I'm saying this for the men out there who let their wives rule over them and tell them what will and will not go on in a mans house.
Good movie! Suspense to the end! Thank you!
The way i gasped when her head peaked around the corner through the crack of the door while the other chick is inside the closet gathering all the receipts . lolol I did the whole hard , HuuuuuhhhhhhhHHhhhh
Horrid directing and the storyline is silly – but, it was good.
this movie is actually stupid lol
The neighborhood has a Killer Karen(Mrs. Miller)!👀👀😦😦😦Ohh noooo😥😥😥
So she's scared from the attack but yet she's out there taking pictures of the neighbors. She wants to start another attack. Is she the one stalking the neighbors? SMH
For real
Phenomenal movie 👌
mariska hargitay ❤
What a dumb comment for the Mom to make: do you realize it's 2am, put that 🔪 away! 🙄
Intruder could've easily been around the corner.
Ok let's be real here, that girl went to far with her camera, I wouldn't want my neighbor from across the street to be taking pictures of me.
The actress was from Dirty Teacher
Who takes the picture at the end of the movie?
Great mystery movie. Post some similar ones.
Hope to see Kelcie again: she looks like Faye Dunaway!
She's a nosey female . I hate that type of people no wonder they get abducted and killed lol
its a second time watching this ❤❤❤❤
Great movie 💙
Congrats 🎉 good movie 👋
Who tf think it’s okay to take random pics of people
Why is she taking pictures of everyone without their permission?
Girl would have been pretty good detective
That's why the nice didn't want to explicate the guy because s had him to do it come how else could someone get in she covered her tracks of being gone before leaving was sure leaving garage open . Movies show people how to d a crime look how easy guy broke in😮
I don't blame the daughter taking never let guard down never can be to safe especially with what she dealt with 😊😮
49:52 hehe such a kddie smile. cute
i use watch this
Good movie.
Digging your own grave on a beautiful day is wild
What a weirdo taking 100x pics of her neighbors lol
This was back when lifetime had good suspenseful movies. Now they’re all predicable
Good movie😊
If my family was a Lifetime movie, there will be NO showers and NO bubble baths. Nothing good ever comes from showers and bubble baths. 😅
no such thing as a safe neighborhood…also it is not illegal to take pictures of neighbors or anyone else in public…only time is if you are on their property at the time
are we sure she isn't the stalker, taking pics of everybody
I remember seeing this on lifetime
The detective looks like Martin Luther King Jr. lol
Classic awful dialogue.