Solid Snake Training: Become INVISIBLE Through Movement and Training

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22 thoughts on “Solid Snake Training: Become INVISIBLE Through Movement and Training

  1. Turning this off is hard. I've been out of the US Marines for 15 years and even though I think I'm being loud, I constantly scare the sh*t out of my wife because I "crept up on her" 😆

    Love this channel

  2. It's from the non-canon "Snake's Revenge" game, but we do actually have a list of FOX-HOUND's phsyical fitness exam:

    Short distance running test

    Uninterrupted performance of 80 push-ups

    Uninterrupted performance of 100 sit-ups

    50-meter free stroke swim

    Combat diving skill

    Cross-country march (travelling 64 km [40 miles] in under 15 hours, carrying a 30 kg [67 pounds] backpack)

  3. Good video. You do know you are basically practicing tai chi. People seem to think tai chi is just exercise. Practiced correctly, it's a deadly and efficient martial art. I would like to see you do a tai chi video. If you want to move correctly fast, first practice the move as slowly as you can. Cheers

  4. Whats funny is in MGS1, theres literally a codec call dedicated to describing in detail how to do these quiet walking techniques.

    If you call Master Miller while in the Tank Hanger and standing on one of the loud catwalks he describes this process.

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