SOLAR IMPACT: THE DESTRUCTION OF LONDON 🎬 Full Sci-Fi Horror Movie 🎬 English HD 2024

Title: SOLAR IMPACT: THE DESTRUCTION OF LONDON Summary: Solar debris crashes down to Earth, causing widespread …


38 thoughts on “SOLAR IMPACT: THE DESTRUCTION OF LONDON 🎬 Full Sci-Fi Horror Movie 🎬 English HD 2024

  1. This just might happen, we was at a G5 just a month ago. In my dreams I seen people on the beach skin was burnt just like the fat woman in the diner, people was running because those solar flares hit earth, and the ocean was boiling like a pot of grits. People was on the beach running for cover. Now I live in the desert Henderson Nevada, and yeaterday I went outside to take the trash out, it was 110°F, and when I got back in the house my skin was burning, now I'm use to the hot summers, and been here for 55yrs, but this time only 5 minutes my skin was cooking, the heat is much worse than I've felt since 1977, so its bad, and Arizona is just over the mountains, and they get extremely hot like 123°F, by July, and here in Henderson will be just a few degrees away from 123°F like 120°F. My air conditioner is set at 72°F, and its really cool inside. I don't go out in this heat unless a doctor's appointment, and to load up on groceries. Put that sunscreen on, and hope it helps. Something about this Climate Change is very strange, every country is going through a heatwave. People in Saudi Arabia was on on a religious ceremony, and dropped dead feom the heatwave of a 135°F. A dome of heat is over the northeastern states, and people are falling out, even flights has to fly very low to keep from having a electrical outage, some had to make emergency landing because electrical systems went out, they dlnt want to tell you guys in fear that you all will panic, so stay inside, stay hydrated, and only go out if you really have to. Keep those pets safe their paws do fry on hot pavement, and keep them hydrated too. Climate Change is real, many holes in the sun, and we might get a Carrington Event, Google Carrington Event…..Be safe.❤🙏🏾💯

  2. Not sure why in all of these movies every time there is a meteor that falls to the earth someone has to go to investigate and when something happens to them the audience is expected to feel sorry for them cause I don’t this lady did it to herself in the beginning of the movie

  3. I am laughing at the first scene of this movie. The star, our sun, does not throw off chunks of matter like that. It discharges plasma which is in gas form. Before our star goes supernova it would expand to a size that would engulf this planet long before it would explode.

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