Social Security In TROUBLE: How To Maximize YOUR BENEFITS

Stephen Gardner sits down with Lane Martinson over on ​⁠​⁠@FinancialFastLane to discuss the best age to start and new rules …


35 thoughts on “Social Security In TROUBLE: How To Maximize YOUR BENEFITS

  1. Damacarat Destroyed America our life They should never pay Isreal Ukraine our money They fucked us Stand up American people Stop Fuckin paying Ukraine Isresl You fucked us

  2. All these trillions of dollars looted from the government still exist in the mansions and holdings of the elites in our country. Perhaps some of this ill gotten loot can be recovered in civil court.

  3. I'm disappointed that inflation and the intentionally inadequate COLA for Social Security was not mentioned in this program. Delaying your retirement may earn you a higher benefit but not if you are falling behind 10% in the intervening years. That would change the sweet spot for retirement significantly. The guest also did not directly answer Stephen's question about whether your benefit increases on a linear sliding scale between retirement ages 62 and 67. Two of the most important questions not answered!!

  4. Tell Biden to print another 2 trillion dollars for SSI SSDI that's the smallest amount that he would have printed for this country but look at what they have done for Ukraine Iran China Russia California just to name a few nothing for Americans but we can send Ukraine trillions so they can get the kick backs to the left

  5. We paid into social sercurity it is not a free ride or government handout we paid for it. Just like they use our money for hand outs to Ukraine and ilegals but they can manage to do that just fine. These folfs havent earn it. We have!

  6. There are millions of people on SSI and SSDI that do not have a disability or mental condition,,,Most of them are lazy do nothingz and or drug addicts like Crystal meth mostly….My guess around 70%…There's millions abusing it….

  7. The u.s.ssa,ssdi and ssi,,v. A. It was
    made to be invested in stock's and
    last. but when you start pulling
    money out for children, people with
    Small medical condition like eyes
    Closer to Heather , fingers and toes with Exsese skin ,all get money an have not payed in this falls back on to the government this money was not
    Supposed to come out of S.S.A.
    The government was to take care of this , but no Thay did not won't to use
    there money now ssa is broke if you
    Payed in and now you won't get it.

  8. Congress promised President Ronald Reagan they would pay back the money they borrowed to keep the government open. Congress pork barrelled and couldn't make payments even on debts. Iou was put in social security drawer, as it was done In George H.W.Bush and at least 9 times to balance the budget because of Congress endless pork Barrelling. Senator's and Congress members borrowed from the Sacred Fund to pay for theirs and clients dinners, pay for their hair cuts.
    Whatever George W. Bush did that was bad at least he visited to he social security Treasury and open the drawers to see a bunch of legislatives' IOUs. Congress and Senators' everyone last one, John McCain needs to make restitution to the Social Security Trust Fund. The only entitlement class is the legislative branch that can rob the elderly.

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