The best way to improve your swimming times is to set aside time to work on your technique. Our swimming camp is designed to do just that. In those small groups is where we truly use all of our skills and talents to help you swim faster and smoother, giving you specific advice that only you can use. To find out more click here: If you liked this video, you will LOVE this other one. It is Everything You Need To Know To Swim Better:
Incredible. I guess this is for intermediates, not beginners, because the only thing I can focus on while "swimming" is not drowning. And the not drowning part works quite well as long as I put 100% of my attention on it. This video motivates me to keep practicing until I automate the not drowning and being able to focus on technique. Good news: I can start the stretching exercise today.
These recommendations are very similar to the principles of the Total Immersion program, invented by Terry Laughlin. It is a beautiful sensation to experience how different high-quality sources of learning efficient swimming tend to converge to the very same few key principles. Thank you for your work!
Не обольщайтесь, двухударный кроль самая сложная техника. И требует скорости, чтобы не тонуть, так что ее легкость и экономичность только кажущаяся. Сначала нужно учиться 4-6 ударному кролю и научиться контролировать положение тела в горизонтали, дышать. Чтобы научиться плавать, как на видео, нужно пара лет и хорошая физическая форма. Не благодарите ))
I‘m a completely beginner in freestyle swimming. Just started 2 weeks ago with some lessons. This video and technique helped me so much! I always had problems that my hips and legs immediately started to sink with my first arm pull. I couldn‘t swim freestyle for 15m… Now I‘m already able to swim 50m in 1min with this technique. I‘m really motivated to improve it more and more. Thank you so much! Best regards from Switzerland
This is such a good video. I’ve been using this technique for a while now, and last week I finally got what you were telling me all along: feel the water!
I’d gotten faster, sure, but I wasn’t able to truly enjoy myself in the water. It just didn’t feel very comfortable. The most important part for me was to realize that the glide needed to be constant. So the strokes didn’t need to be more powerful, they needed to happen just a fraction of a second faster (of course, more power could have worked too). Now I’m gliding through the water, feeling like a true waterbender. Thank you so very much good sir!
After watching your this video multiple times, I started two beat swimming this afternoon for the first time and I am a freestyle beginner. I love this. Thank you.
The best way to improve your swimming times is to set aside time to work on your technique. Our swimming camp is designed to do just that. In those small groups is where we truly use all of our skills and talents to help you swim faster and smoother, giving you specific advice that only you can use. To find out more click here:
If you liked this video, you will LOVE this other one. It is Everything You Need To Know To Swim Better:
Garcia Scott Clark Dorothy Thompson Laura
This is a lot of work…. Lega arms absolutely forgot about breathing 😅 so question? If not breath right one could drown?
Mitchell Station
Great video
Is this swim style also viable for longer distances such as 1.5km?
Best video ❤. I Immensely improved my swimming with your technique ❤
What camera did you use to shoot this underwater video?
Incredible. I guess this is for intermediates, not beginners, because the only thing I can focus on while "swimming" is not drowning. And the not drowning part works quite well as long as I put 100% of my attention on it. This video motivates me to keep practicing until I automate the not drowning and being able to focus on technique. Good news: I can start the stretching exercise today.
These recommendations are very similar to the principles of the Total Immersion program, invented by Terry Laughlin. It is a beautiful sensation to experience how different high-quality sources of learning efficient swimming tend to converge to the very same few key principles. Thank you for your work!
Looks easy but when I practice and do it myself it turns out to be very hard
I'm a size 7, I cannot swim very fast.
Everyone watching this has earned there yellow ribbon.
Lovely and smooth but has a major overglide
You can swim without using your legs. It saves energy
Somehow Michael Phelps would still frown upon this 😢
It is so soothing to watch him swim…⭐
Bro is smoother than my Wi-Fi connection
Не обольщайтесь, двухударный кроль самая сложная техника. И требует скорости, чтобы не тонуть, так что ее легкость и экономичность только кажущаяся. Сначала нужно учиться 4-6 ударному кролю и научиться контролировать положение тела в горизонтали, дышать. Чтобы научиться плавать, как на видео, нужно пара лет и хорошая физическая форма. Не благодарите ))
I‘m a completely beginner in freestyle swimming. Just started 2 weeks ago with some lessons. This video and technique helped me so much! I always had problems that my hips and legs immediately started to sink with my first arm pull. I couldn‘t swim freestyle for 15m… Now I‘m already able to swim 50m in 1min with this technique. I‘m really motivated to improve it more and more. Thank you so much! Best regards from Switzerland
This is such a good video. I’ve been using this technique for a while now, and last week I finally got what you were telling me all along: feel the water!
I’d gotten faster, sure, but I wasn’t able to truly enjoy myself in the water. It just didn’t feel very comfortable. The most important part for me was to realize that the glide needed to be constant. So the strokes didn’t need to be more powerful, they needed to happen just a fraction of a second faster (of course, more power could have worked too). Now I’m gliding through the water, feeling like a true waterbender. Thank you so very much good sir!
I have a triathlon soon this might help thanks
THANKYOU. This is easier than that "Beginner swimming t</[=>!)"
Wow. This video was so descriptive. Absolutely loved it.
Excellent visual breakdown. Thanks 🙏
Brown David Lee Larry Martin Betty
I swim 7 miles a day using this technique. Our island is perfect length and this technique is worth mastering.
Best freestyle swimming tutorial on YouTube hands down great work!
After watching your this video multiple times, I started two beat swimming this afternoon for the first time and I am a freestyle beginner. I love this. Thank you.