SKALD: Against The Black Priory – First Impressions

Talking about my initial experiences with SKALD, a retro rpg that sees us investigating lovecraftian horrors in search of a missing …


30 thoughts on “SKALD: Against The Black Priory – First Impressions

  1. As someone who played CGA and EGA games a lot, this one is a really hard sell for me because the washed out color palette makes it so actually seeing, following and interacting with units and terrain is excruciatingly difficult.

  2. The presentation for me is too pixelated. And I am not against pixelart games, since I played a lot of SNES jrpgs, and I even like/love a lot of modern pixelart games like Children of Morta, Hero Siege, Chronicon, Sea of Stars and Chained Echoes. But this one, like the dungeon and world map exploration, they are too pixelated for my taste. But anyway, just my taste, but good luck to the game, and thanks for the preview.

  3. Having watched Majuular's videos on Ultima, this piques my interest as an old school take on the genre with modern sensibilities behind it. There's definitely something to be gained from matching the two up.

  4. I really enjoyed my time with the demo and I can't wait to dive into this one tomorrow. I've been trying to semi rush Ghosts of Tsushima to finish it before then, but I still have half of Act 3 and IKI island to do so it's not gonna be close. I will still give Skald a few hours of my time and try to juggle in between that and Ghosts.

  5. The 8-bit visuals are part of the appeal for me. I’d much rather a creative game with retro visuals, than an uncreative AAA thing that puts all its money into graphics.

  6. It looks beautiful. I played the demo which is the prologue of the game and it does a great job of introducing each element of the UI one by one. If you think it’s too overwhelming from this video, just try the free demo for five minutes and I bet you’ll change your mind.

  7. Thank you so much for covering Skald! It really means so much to me ❤ The game has seen a massive amount of polish in the last two weeks so I can promise you that the game we're dropping tomorrow is a retro-CRPG fan's dream! As always, much love from Norway!

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