Simple Gas Station Call Turns Into Pure Chaos
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The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be representative of their general behavior. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
Midwest Safety works to promote transparency in government while providing educational, informative and local news coverage to empower the public with knowledge of the Criminal Justice System.
That's no way to treat the neighbor!!
this is how all illegal immagrants think "you cant do this to me" …yes we can because you are breaking the law…
Les flic adore de faire monter histoire pour utiliser leur armes
Yeah, meh, noooo
Ok so what did the old 60 year old Russian guy do????? Wat the heck..he was minding his own business sitting on the curb.
A real angry version of Wreck It Ralph we got here
Ready to go to an asylum!
Cops shouldnt escalate
that first guy's IQ couldn't have made double digits
WTF did I just watched???
"Beer and Ice cream, I like your style."
Man knows how to have a good time, probably has his own $#&@ to deal with.
I hate when y'all start the video straight up with no narration, or context as to wtf is happening😂😂
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 😂😂
God dammm illigal russian
Get his asss to jail
I swear cops have the most patience in the world for these helmet wearing dummies holy crap I was screaming at the screen saying 'GET ON THE GROUND ALL THE WAYYYY" I could never handle this
Who is this clown lol
Its so mind boggeling that these people dont or cant understand that they wont prevail, especially when more than 2 police show up. But its great entertainment 😅
I'm a big law and order guy but what people don't get is that being a good cop is like being a good actor: You don't acquire it, you're either born with the natural ability or you're not, and 98% of them don't have it. If they paid a lot more, screened a lot more, and enforced respect for cops a lot more, we'd have a crack police force.
They were really trying to do the second guy bad. He clearly doesn't understand English very well and the store owner did NOT want to press charges but the police kept insisting. Smh.
im a neighbor im on the ground you fa**ott hahah it was epic
Captain Teemo, reporting for duty!
he was getting on the ground
call me crazy but maybe he doesn't want to lay on a dirty gas station floor
despicable calling these people sherriffs
nothing but power trips
Self check out said to skip the line, so he did
Based on the thumbnail I thought bro was wearing a Teemo cosplay. 😭
That's a lot of law enforcement for 1 little guy… 😅
Cop needs to say "face down on your belly"
I don’t know whether to feel bad or laugh. Is the helmet from work or…..
0:50 are we sure this isn’t a scripted show because LMAO
You walked into the door 😂
I'm electrified lol
Something tells me this isn't special Ed's first arrest.
Clearly, they need to figure out a better way to fasten their fucking cameras
There just looking for ways to hurt people 😂