SHOCKING MOMENT: John Kennedy, Ted Cruz Have Epic Confrontation. With Laphonza Butler, Democrats

At today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, an argument between Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) called to appeal Sen. Laphonza …


34 thoughts on “SHOCKING MOMENT: John Kennedy, Ted Cruz Have Epic Confrontation. With Laphonza Butler, Democrats

  1. Kennedy and Senator Cruz weren't even given a chance corruption at its finest folks! I know both sides are corrupt but what the Democrats are doing in these hearings is not cool it's supposed to be a democracy but the Democrats don't seem to think that way anymore and it seems more evident in every new hearing that comes up. Its pretty scary that these are the people nominating our judges

  2. Witness badgering? Thought she was a judicial nominee- answering job duty/description/responsibility questions? Deserved respect? From someone who changed her answers, perjured herself according to Senators Kennedy and Cruz?

  3. Madame chair has a snugged face… I have the power and that’s that! Cross examination is the soul of finding the truth… I guess she isn’t interested in the truth

  4. Really shocked Cruz is still in politics, didn’t he roll over for Trump after he insulted his father and wife, and disappeared from Texas during a storm that left millions without water and electricity? I guess he’s getting those sound bites cause here we are.

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