Volca Burn
She Was NOT READY For This Charlie Kirk TAKEDOWN!!
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Bruno Mars Ha! a less attractive Bruno Mars
these ignorant people who believe this nonsense….SMH. I have given up applying for art projects due to the fact that they only will hire 'diversity'. Meaning, if you're white, you can forget it. So tell me, where is my privilege? she is a racist against white people.
Christ is King!!
Why is it that the most angry and victim-minded individuals are always white and those who may actually be at a disadvantage not that..
This girl has no idea what shes talking about.She is just regurgitating what her left wing college professors have taught her.Disgusting!
This girl's parents need to get their own money back. She's a little girl.
Naw who let Bruno Mars talk? 🤣
Wow, if you were so smart you would be dangerous 😂
Whoopi Gold-turd. Teehee. That woman really IS the worst.
She is soooo stuuuupid!
This correspondence PROVES why the controversy!!! Like, in general, women are "wired" differently than men,. This is a classic confirmed mindsets between "EMOTIONAL" THOUGHT/MIND-SET versus "LOGICAL" THOUGHT/MIND-SET!! Now everyone has the ANSWER!! Keep in mind- "Emotions are proven the strongest predictor in "Decisions." BINGO!!! And, emotions are notoriously WRONG!!!!!! WAKE UP FELLOW CITIZENS!!~!!!!
The first brush with authority should be in the home with a father. Young boys learn that bad actions bring uncomfortable consequences. Good Fathers also teach boys how to be good men, fathers, and husbands.
This young "educated" lady has NO IDEA what she is talking about.
Apparently, this young lady hasn't learned what a bunch of F*CKING BULLSH*T the BLM organization is.
This chick has constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth. She can't answer his questions. Duh
América, Austrália ,canada, NZ have a great woke issue
The youth of today scares me.
Everyone with Brains Listen to Devin.
Devin it's not The View it's The Pew.
Devin she will never get a man,she'll end up in a same sex Marriage.
Trying to discuss anything with a College Student is a exercise in mental masturbation.
She's trying to be male with the Shirt.
UNLV "Useless Nevada Loser University"
She's studying & trying to get a Degree at UNLV in Card Dealing.
So UNLV you'll end up being a Card Dealer a Hotel Maid or a Street Walker.
Amen Devin.
She's so dumb she doesn't understand statistics. 55% of the murders in this country are committed by 13% of the population and she blames it on the police. Unbelievable! Let's put the blame where it belongs, programs created in the 60's by the democrats to force the father's from the home is the down fall of the black family causing boys to grow up with no roll model in the home. Causing high crime, drug addiction etc.
How does over policing make a specific ethnic community commit more crimes?
Christ is king
How do these student come up with an argument without the facts??? This is ridiculous ….
Just another brain washed person,she will learn one day..
You lost me when you started rambling on about atheists father.
The point is having a FATHER in one’s life. Not a fucking religious father. Knob
If you need religion to stop you from killing another human, I can only question your moral compass as a human being. I teach my kids not to kill because it’s wrong. Not because a book told me not to.
Think about what I’m saying there.
Are you saying the ONLY reason you don’t kill is because the bible says not to 🤔🤔🤔.
Amen brother! Christ is King!
Why can't these liberals answer a simple question.
What a way to go thru life, arrogant and stupid. College degree and can't form a coherent argument.
Amen and amen! We need Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
Shes white.
Since she wants to talk about people marginalized, I will marginalize this person as a true idiot who refuses to see the truth based off a tik tok level IQ. People need to learn to use their tiny little brains and really educate themselves.
What an idiot….
I just love you and your videos and Charlie Kirk is the best!!💙💙