She Was Followed Home.. #stalker #creepy


34 thoughts on “She Was Followed Home.. #stalker #creepy

  1. Thank God she reached home in time. It's bad situation 😢, I remember being stalked almost like 3 months by a neighbour. And it still traumatises me up to date. All the girls take care of yourselves.

  2. anytime i’m approaching a locked door I have the correct key in my grasp. not KEYS but KEY singular and I have my dominant hand free ALWAYS and it’s hovering over my appendix carry glock. shit happens way to fast to move any other way. I don’t do safety’s on guns either that’s for wimps if you knew when you were going to be attacked then you wouldn’t need a gun, i’d rather be ready to be on the offensive then be at the mercy of someone and be on the defensive

  3. This is my friends story that she told me: She was walking with her friend Mia who’s also my friend and they were right outside of their apartment building and some guy came up to them and was talking to them saying things like “you’re pretty” and other stuff also btw they were like 12-11 and it was 9PM, he followed them around the block and he kept stopping to do something in the bushes I’m not sure what but anyways, they were scared so they went inside and told Mia’s dad, so Mia’s dad said to get in the car immediately and he took Mia’s younger twin brothers and of course Mia and her. They drove around looking for him and when one of the twins spotted him the dad got out, punched him and absolutely attacked him. The sketchy man was crying and everything,

  4. Reminded me once, when I walked home from school. And I had a kind of a bully, he just annoys with words tho. He just asks dumb questions.

    And he kept following me. He wanted to go to a store, but took the long way, just to stalk and annoy. I usually ignore him. But Yelled at him twice, he was exceptionally annoying that day, and kept a huge distance in between while walking.

    But then when I took a turn to the club road to reach quicker, there were some 50 year old dudes. It was around 6 in the evening maybe because of that. But It was obvious they were super high. I didn’t feel good AT ALL, the looks were very nasty.

    I immediately ran back to him. And had him walk me, I didn’t even raise my head up to look up at them, they were just giving very nasty vibes. One or two of the guys said something TO HIM, but I honestly wasn’t functioning to comprehend. 

    I was so scared, I couldn’t hear at all. My heart was beating so fast I thought I’d die of arrhythmia before something else. After we passed em, he didn’t say a word and when we reached around my neighborhood. I asked him what they had told him. He didn’t say anything though. 

    I’m pretty sure he felt the same feeling. He wasn’t the type to be touchy with girls, he has a gf, he’s very fond of. But he had one arm around me, holding my arm super tight. I started feeling the sting after we passed them.

    I have a very strong feeling something very very bad would have happened that day, if I wasn’t walking by him.

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