*SHE GOT MAD!* Umar Johnson Says You’re Not Black If You Dating White Women

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48 thoughts on “*SHE GOT MAD!* Umar Johnson Says You’re Not Black If You Dating White Women

  1. Mixed race aka multiculturalism doesn't work and it never worked in human history. God created all these different races to prevent multiculturalism.

  2. This is so wierd. Alot of peopke thought like this in the 90's also. I believe someone you love should be someone you are compatible with. This will not always be the case just because you are the same race.

  3. So race baiter Umar is giving black people relationship advice even though at 50 years old he isn’t married and he is single. So glad that black people are calling out the hypocrisy.

  4. The last I know we All BLEED RED THAT MAKES US THE SAME. JUST because are skin is different doesn't mean we're different what is different is our cultures and what we've been taught from our parents and others. We all want the SameThings Love, Respect Exceptance, we all process our emotion and Logic and acceptance different because from the we were Brought up.
    I guess I should say we're a white family and my daughter came to Monday and said don't be surprised if I bring home a black boyfriend and I said so long as you treats you, right? It's all that matters she said. Move, what about dad mom and I said dad will be the same way and that's the way it is in her family. It doesn't matter about color we don't care about it. You just have to treat the person. Like the person needs to be treated, no matter who they are. No matter what the color wake her up in Flint. Michigand nothing's gonna change that and message's gonna change the people that we are. Who we became, but we go by? Who's the person is not by color not by race or anything like that? Because all races white black American Asian Hispanic Mexican, we all have trash. We all have upper class.We all have middle class and then we all have a class.So we're all the same.We all believe the same.We all just think too differently and that causes our Rambo. Now my daughter's been with her boyfriend for over 2 years now.They're a great couple.They love each other.He's good to her and she's good to him.And they love each other and that's what's important.

  5. My wife is white, I feel u 100% bro. Umar talks loud and passionate so ppl are afraid to check him.. bro is smart but he’s definitely racist, disguising it as pro black. Love who you love man, God bless🙏🏽

  6. Who you date is not a political decision, it's a personal decision. Dr. Umar Johnson is a racist. He even said that the black that would go to his "school"(FDMG) Frederick Douglass, Marcus Garvey school would have to wear their natural hair texture, and to look as non white as possible.
    Then after graduation if he saw his students wearing perms or more culturally white oriented things, he would take their diplomas back.

  7. There's a thousand things wrong here…1st, at the time of this video you JUST learned who he is? 2nd, you got her questioning pro blackness, 3rd, you can't seem to except pro blackness, you don't have to be pro black, but not understanding being pro black (especially in american) is crazy…you had an issue with him saying "you can't be pro black with a white woman" but why have a issue with that if you're not pro black? you think the world should be blind to race (ain't nothing wrong with that) but being pro black means you're gonna date/marry black…lastly you're super blind to the fact that other races are vocal about staying with their own & do stay with their own…ain't nothing wrong with everyone getting along, but there is a huge problem systematically when people aren't playing fair…REMEMBER BLACK POWER MEANS JUST THAT, NOT ANTI ANYTHING!!! WE JUST WANT OURS!!!

  8. See this right here tells me we're this brother is at very unloyal you talking about dividing but that's the only solution you have to get rid of racism if you're trying something for 400 years when are you going to get it that it just doesn't work so something doesn't work after so many years should you go to the correct solution

  9. People get mad at Dr Umar because he tells the truth I believe it I take a total stand with it a black man must commit himself to a black woman that's the bottom line take it how you want to take it but we are under attack if you're interested in saving the black community commit yourself to somebody that looks like you

  10. Blessings to your family.. however other cultures have been saying and showing that they are loyal to their race/culture for centuries.. but I understand where y’all coming from..

  11. Dr Umar just loves to devide us doesn’t he… acting like regular white people was the ones who oppressed when he’s really talking about the government which we don’t really have much control over regardless of what we believed in as individuals or not. We’re not even the same people anymore so it shouldn’t even matter either way. The black oppression era is over, but certain people like Umar like holding on to the past which isn’t gonna move us any forward. Creating segregation all over again.

  12. The dude in this video is himself ignorant of Black History and Black Reality by saying, “My parents didn’t put me in a position to be in a bad neighborhood”. Dude, White people put Black People in a bad position (Parents, kids, grandma, grandpa, and cousins). This channel is annoying to listen to because it is completely ignorant of Black History.

  13. I have a bi-racial child and have been in many interracial relationships but Dr. Umar is right. This interracial couple on this channel isn’t that educated about the History and reality of Race beyond their own personal experience of being friends and lovers of different races. The child in this video is also Black regardless of how ignorant their parents are about racial reality.

  14. I don’t listen nor care about what Biden, Trump, Harris, or those associated has to say because I know they’re all devious and ill intended behind their roles. But a person invested in someone who they know is against their lifestyle decisions I feel recognize those actions to be incorrect psychologically whether caring to admit it or not. Or are provocateur themselves who’s presence is to deter and dismount such rhetoric that is or could be very accurate.

  15. He’s not creating a divide, the divide is already there. Saying a mixed child is black isnt the same as saying their white because of the 1 drop rule , white men dont have to say ‘shes nice but i dont date bw’ they just act that way automatically…good luck to y’all

  16. I somewhat agree. Notice most the top black athletes are with white women. There's something wrong. Black men arent going for black women…thats a fact. If i see a black dude with another race i dismiss him.

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