She Disrespected Her Mom, Then Spit on Police

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The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be representative of their general behavior. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

Midwest Safety works to promote transparency in government while providing educational, informative and local news coverage to empower the public with knowledge of the Criminal Justice System.


34 thoughts on “She Disrespected Her Mom, Then Spit on Police

  1. I watch these vids all the time. I guarantee if she was any color other than brown(black) people would be showing her grace due to her mental illness.
    Kudos to the officer. Respect to you sir. You did all you could and treated her with dignity

  2. Something tells me that a lot of this is lack of proper parenting.. I just don't understand the disrespect I don't get it. The police and I don't get along either but I would never ever run my mouth like that even if I was wasted

  3. I love how people act towards their parents and disrespect. Beating the family.. But what is up with the kids? Hmm they seem to have a legit scam? Or are they helping these kids for love? Very sus..

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