Science of Muscle Growth, Increasing Strength & Muscular Recovery

In this episode I describe how our brain and nervous system control muscle tissue and how to leverage that for muscle …


43 thoughts on “Science of Muscle Growth, Increasing Strength & Muscular Recovery

  1. Hi Andrew,
    if I understood you right:
    5-20 sets per week with 30-80% of the maximum muscle strength
    10% of that should be in the "pain zone"
    But what is with the other 90%? Should they be right before the pain zone? How hard should be the last repetition?

  2. you lost me when you started discussing the number of sets, as I don't know what a set means in this context. I know a set in weight training refers to a discrete number of reps that is often repeated, say 8 reps of biceps curls can equal a set. is that what you're referring to here? I can follow the basic narrative gist of your laymen's explanation of hormones, etc., but once you start throwing stats out at breakneck speed, "threesetsofxyzfivetimesaweek" I get lost. it's frustrating. my mind needs a beat or two to grasp the hypotheticals that you're describing using concrete numbers.

  3. As smart as
    He is, he's wrong about this.
    You Dig do your recovery time Way too much… One set the failure.. More efficient and safer.. 4 5 seconds for A rep Eccentric and concentric
    Don't wear your joints out By doing useless repetitions.. Intensity of Effort. Isometrics works Very.
    Good also… Do your research off of the Money making podcasts.. Old skateboarders and tattooed armed people are way behind the times !!!!!YEPPERS
    He's a good guy but behind the times
    He's been an academia way too long !

  4. So when he was saying about 6 sets of 10 reps I’m assuming this is in one sitting. So maybe 6 sets of 10 reps of bicep curls for example, I only ask because he mentioned earlier about sets per week. Sorry I’m new to this but this vid does seem very detailed and informative so I’m trying to work with it

  5. i have a question about lactate: why EVERYBODY always says than lactic acid is what causes fatige and blood acidousis (sorry, my english is not the best)?, i heard that, always and still hear it, but I learnt it like you are saying it in this video but there isn´t a lot of information about it like this…I´m a bit confuce.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing content with all of us Professor Andrew. This is GOLD !
    Little question, at what water temperature does a bath start to interfere with muscle hypertrophy? Thanks !

  7. Any body builders here willing to recommend a book that I can use to create a gym routine? I’m pretty fit from outdoor activities, but I’m moving to the city and I feel lost in the gym. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  8. Rating: 8.3/10
    In Short: Tools and Breathing for Strength (and a primer for Galpin 🙂
    Notes: This is a great primer for the galpin series, and goes into the perfect amount of mechanism about muscles and energy. Learning basics about how your muscles function and what they require to do so helps anyone understand what it means to try and grow muscle, what happens when they worsen, and the basic idea why nutrition and training can help your muscles (or hurt them if you don’t do it right.) Galpin is not specifically mentioned but should be considering the references and future series you do with him, this is an amazing primer and gives anyone great basics to understand the tools that are presented in that series.

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