LEAKED* NEW Roy Jones Jr WARNING Jake Paul! “DON’T FIGHT MIKE TYSON” He is to powerful and too skilled for you!


46 thoughts on “Roy Jones Jr WARNING Jake Paul?👀”DON’T FIGHT MIKE TYSON” | *LEAKED* INTERVIEW SHOCKS FANS! [2024]

  1. Really hope this fight isn't fixed and he puts Jake in his place… just can't stand imitators disrespecting real talent by fixing fights for a buck… Jake isn't the fighter they make him or to be and hopefully this fight shows it all…

  2. Get real. He looks shit. Short clips to show him at his best, and even then he looked rubbish.
    He has not aged well. Regardless of him being on steriods.
    The fight will be fixed.
    Tyson has not got 8 rounds in him and won't be able to throw more than 50 punches per round

  3. I really hope goes all out he did with Trevor Berbick and donnie long and throws Hydrogen Bombs at jake pauls stupid big chisel chin and knocks him and his stupid haircut clean out !!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 …. A commentator said watching mike come out first round is a Doberman thats walked out on 220lbs of unguarded Meat !!!!!! 😂😂😂😮😮😮 … Iron mike will put him on his ass because paul has fought 1 real actual regaurded pro Boxer !!!! He has fought anyone with 100 %%% Boxing ability and knowledge mike has . Mike has known boxing all his life and worked in boxing with blood sweat tears wins and loses .😮 . Top that with the fact Iron mike is not coming out as a fun fight as jake crossed the Line Big time when he said he would mike beside his daughter that passed away 😮😮😮😮😢😢 …. Yes hype up a fight do a piece of trash talk but leave comments like that alone . No need for that crap . So trust me minute that bell goes mike is going to be that FREIGHT TRAIN LOCOMOTIVE he is and come take his head off …. That comment about burying him beside his daughter has instantly sealed his fate !!!! ….. Cant wait for this fight . Its gonna be great . The age isnt going to bother me as well 😮😮😮 because his tools of boxing is much better and far greater than pauls …. He hasnt got the experience to cope with the ways mike will throw bombs . 😮😮😮 …. Both paul bros are probably sound in real life dont know them personally just dont like em myself so be nice to see em humbled 😂😂😂😂 !!!!

  4. I hope this isn't rigged because if not, Jake is done with boxing. One nice uppercut by Mike and it's lights out. Don't care if Mike is 58. He still has his strength. Jake has been doing this for 4 years. He says he wants to be the champ. Haha. Start fighting men your age. He can't. Tyson Fury already beat his ass. Jake will NEVER be the champ and like I said if not rigged this fight will finish his boxing career. He talks a lot of smack. If it is rigged it's to let The Problem Child, Jake Paul make a sport that's lost all of the big names in heavyweight boxing make more money from Jake. Boxing has become a joke. Too many exhibition fights from the greats. My favorite lightweight and the only reason I ever watched a lightweight boxer was Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini. But the fight with Kim Duk-Koo ruined Ray's career. He said the death haunted him. That would bother any normal human being.

  5. Mike's a former ghetto kid raised on the mean streets and in reform school. He destroyed the heavyweight division before he was 22. If this fight is real and Mike is in kill mode, that circus clown doesn't stand even a puncher's chance in hell. But I'm not convinced this thing is real. It's a sad situation and Mike should not involve himself with such a fool. It's an insult to real boxers and to the whole sport's legitimacy.

  6. I honestly think that the Tyson Jones fight was kinda fixed…in terms of an agreement that tyson not punch to the head because he didn't throw anything but body shots.

  7. He ain’t lying about that side to side movement Mike comes forth with as it was very evident in the last round of their fight. Roy tried to time him with a left hook and missed everything. Mike scored two body shots as a counter on Roy which is why he mentioned that in this video. He told the raw truth about Mike still having enough to get anybody out of there.

  8. It’s going to be
    televised MURDER!
    Mike’s been to maximum security prison
    and Paul talked down about
    Mike’s dead baby daughter.
    He’s not coming to fight
    he’s coming to kill or die!
    I hope the referees
    can stop it before
    Mike gets charged.
    I don’t think Jake will ever
    get in the ring with this fool.
    Except for maybe Trump
    or Netanyahu
    Mike is still the head male
    on this planet!
    Watch & see.

  9. 누가봐도 홀몬 살짝한 것 같고 몸도 제이크 폴보다 훨씬 커졌는데, 심지어 과거에 스킬로도 원탑이었음. 걍 일방적으로 패버릴듯 ㅇㅇ. 남성호르몬 신기하다 사람이 다시 젊어져버림 ㄷㄷ

  10. I’m almost 55, never been an athlete, i eat good quality food but enjoy my wine too, i have a pretty good physical job so I’m fit and for my age, without special training I’m in good shape….I still can do a lot of activities for a normal guy. So what i want to say is age is not necessarily an issue.
    Mike is an athlete, does proper training, great diet and is a beast. He is prepared physically and mentally…..he has the experience and amazing skills. Beating that young asshole is not going to be as easy as we think but Mike can definitely knock his socks off. I believe in Mike and respect him. It’s going to be a very brutal short fight. GO MIKE !!!!!!

  11. All you that doubt Mike, whether it's just for reacting comments for views, etc, are all fools if you think tyson is done. Jake couldn't beat down tommy fury! Why do you think Jake has put on weight, to try and absorb the power that's gonna connect with his chin and his kidneys! Sleep well Jake. As long as this isn't just a sparring match!!

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