Rockstar Stealthily Fixed This After 2 Years… NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE (RDR2)

Rockstar Stealthily Fixed This After 2 Years… NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE! Today on …


46 thoughts on “Rockstar Stealthily Fixed This After 2 Years… NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE (RDR2)

  1. Have you taken notice of these issues being fixed in game for you now? I think the hotfix for title update 1.26 from August 11th may have head some extra stealth fixes! Thanks for watching.

  2. Where do you get the ridiculous shots of Arthur and I commend you on making a living on the same game every week….I just can’t put that much time Into a game, I have problems

  3. I've encountered a bug when I make a trader sell, if you don't encounter opposition on the ride and have to fight at the delivery station, when you kill all of them it stills says to take out the enemies but no one else shows up and you can't finish the mission. Very aggravating. Has anyone else had this problem?

  4. Not to promote myself, cause I don't upload like that, but I uploaded a video of us getting clapped by a person going invisible/teleporting not sure which one. (Basically she tried to destroy my delivery and kinda failed, so she proceeded to cheat) Rockstar needs to fix much

  5. When I seen the thumbnail I thought we were getting an update for healthy teeth.. Honestly, I would rather that so I can break the games generational curses of the 1800s..

  6. Maybe related to this glitch, I started a moonshine run last night, the moonshine shack disappeared and the wagon did not spawn, yet the timer did. When I went back, Marcel reckoned it was a good sale…

  7. It would be nice if your character and every player character in the game wouldn't show up on the compus . It would much more entertaining if you could sneak up on other players and vice versa. Would make strolling into town more exciting.

  8. There's still an issue with moonshiner and trader deliveries. There are also still MAJOR issues with crashing while trying to play any of the new content on pc – 3 part contracts, opportunities and CTA are guaranteed to crash. I quit playing on pc and moved to PS due to this shit. RS ignores the support tickets and never even got a refund for any of the crapitale I spent trying either. The pelt bug is still around, the bounty wagon bug, weapon glitch, hair clipping and the moonshine shack bug where you try to go inside and then get bugged out of everything else until you change sessions or the one where you go to deliver and you end up inside the shack, walk out to your wagon but …… oh ? what's this ? there's no wagon out there at all to make your delivery. If it takes 2 years to fix one bug in the game then we are all royally screwed. Thanks so much RS

  9. Brooo the 10th horse glitch been happening to me for a min now, also every time i sell a new legendary pelt to gus the coat that should unlock for it still doesn’t shows up and I’ve tried multiple time using the same pelt and still nada

  10. When I see 'STEALTH UPDATE' I keep hoping it's actually an update to STEALTH being more viable as a gameplay option letting you approach more missions with a little more tactics and cunning. Sadly R* really loves just RUSH RUSH RUSH PEW PEW PEW for just about everything lol

  11. Anyone notice the picture of Dutch holding a knife Dutch on the game disc? Its rather cool looking wish it made it in the game. It's not really important but a Rambo knife would be cool

  12. I only have two horses so I've never seen the stable glitch, but I am endlessly frustrated by the horses Constantly being dirty no matter how much you brush them, to the point of health core draining. I tested it once and just continuously brushed for a solid five minutes while watching something else and the second I get in the horse it's still flashing the red brush simple at me 🙄

  13. That 10th slot low cores bug annoyed me for years, rockstar support kept sending generic "it will be fixed in a patch" responses. I finally found out its to do with a horse bought before frontier pursuits update, I had to delete my black Arabian but at least its fixed.

  14. played last night but I still encountered a lot of bugs together with my friend. oo and rdr2 also closed itself no more online connection he said later the same happened to my friend 2x even. (while that happened we were very online for the playstation ..soo)

  15. Honestly they have made so many changes that the game is hard to play and I don't know if they are gltiches caused by the update or intentional.. I get used to how horses and aiming work and they change it… :-/

  16. Everyone needs to realize that it took rockstar almost 4 years to finally get good updates going for gta online, remember we were promised heist before they even launched the Xbox one and ps4? And got them like two years after , I’m sure red dead online will be great it’s just gonna take them time this game will be played for years just like gta online is

  17. I have a problem with the lancaster when I put any type of wrap, and exit the game or jump into a showdown it automatically changed its in to a different one. Does anybody have the same problem??

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