Rockstar is REMOVING it ALL.. Don’t MISS THIS Before The NEW GTA Online Update! (New GTA5 Update)

Rockstar is REMOVING it ALL.. Don’t MISS THIS Before The NEW GTA Online Update! (New GTA5 Update) SUBSCRIBE and …


29 thoughts on “Rockstar is REMOVING it ALL.. Don’t MISS THIS Before The NEW GTA Online Update! (New GTA5 Update)

  1. I test drove that suv. It Sucks!!! I would have considered buying it, if it could have stayed right side up when I was off-roading it. Literally every single time I got air I ended up upside down!!! Piece of garbage!!!

  2. I personally dont like this week. These cars on discount seems sht and nothing interesting. I tried taxi job and i earned 85k within 45 minutes. Someone else has 500k / hour profit. Gave up

  3. I bought the Viseris and the Hermes, love them both. Best thing about the Hermes is you can feel how heavy it is. Its a big fat car and handles like it. If you are going fast its not going to stop on a dime. I appreciate the realism.

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