Rockstar Finally Listened to Red Dead Online Fans.. (New RDR2 Update)
Rockstar Finally Listened to The Red Dead Online Community.. (New RDR2 Update) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE!
Rockstar Finally Listened to The Red Dead Online Community.. (New RDR2 Update) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE!
I would like to say thank you for helping to bring attention to this issue for all of the Stadia players. I currently have 3000 hours, over $400,000, and over 1,700 gold bars, on Stadia. I know it's not as much as Colour, but I would still hate to lose all of the progress that I have. It's not a perfect solution but it is something. I had very little hope that Rockstar would do anything but I am glad that we at least have something.
I play on xbox I'm level 37 so far and to be honest I love playing online in rdr 2 if I lost the progress I'd flip let's hop it's not lost but I'm hoping they will fix the bugs of the stable still.
Now if they allow players to transfer characters across platforms other than the Stadia, that would be nice. I would even pay for a character transfer like World of Warcraft.
Obviously not, many players want solo/invite only sessions but rockstar failed to deliver. Nothing more infuriating than doing a bounty with six targets all alive until some random player decides to blow up your bounty wagon this is why I hate saint denis and valentine.
When I heard this I was shoked I can't believe they are doing the new update that we all really need . I'm so excited I can't wait yippee. Rockstar community hear me out I'm a really, really, really, really, mega big fan. and when I heard the bad news about I was actually heart broken because red dead redemption 2 online and offline is the only real realistic horse game that I played and when I heard about this new update rockstar community y'all brought out the inner heart piece of me rockstar community and what I am saying today is have faith and hope and courage and braveness to not give up . And if anybody thinks the comment down below and tell that's right.
Well I am not sure they listened to anything! The update has created one problem after another making game play worse than ever. Not sure what they listened to?
It amazes me how people still have faith in this game.
I know it’s obvious at this point, but rockstar’s got to know we want more. It’s never enough what they give us sometimes which is understandable they don’t give enough.
If you think they're discontinuing support due to a lack of ideas there's a bunch of wacky shit they could add leading up to the early 1900s, further if they go to 1911 or whatever as that's the latest date in RDR canon.
This is not even bare minimum of what Rstar should do! Free transfers should be available for everyone that bought the game on Stadia or was a player through their subscription service. This is a step in the right direction though, but nothing to praise Rstar for!
I was over lvl 200 on PS4 but stopped playing along time ago because noone would play with me since there was such a lack of content. Since then I traded in my PS4 for the Series X console and was so excited that I could transfer my GTA Online account. All I want now is to play RDO but there is no eay I'm starting from scratch. I miss my cowboy days…
I got everything in game so I started over
So much wasted opportunities
Rockstar what the hell
Now it'd be great if they put repossession missions back into the game.
I want 60fps on next gen 😢
Wold be great with a active city in the snow aria
The main fact about rdr2 is there is 0 reason to save up for anything. I started on launch with the hope this game would have updates. I saved and saved hoping for the game to update. Once I realized there were no updates I quit the game. It’s sad 3 years later there are still people saving and waiting for that big update.
There is nothing and I mean nothing to actually buy in the game. Clothes that look like shit that barley match with anything so really very few customization options. Weapons with no customization, horses that all practically go the same speed?
The game itself is very fun. Until you realize there is 0 progression system in the game
who cares about Stadia man? lol
You could tell it in 2 minutes.
Exactly bro we still waiting for John to get his hair and look like real John fix his clothes and rdr1 cloths that didn’t get into the game add rdr2 online guns and cloths and horses and add new hair for offline
I'm still hoping RDR 2 will get a creator for death matches and survivals like on gta v
It may not my huge but it's a start a hopefully just the beginning for rdo future yet
R* hasn’t given us the content we asked for or changes we want, why would it change now? It’s not sadly. I stopped stressing out over a game. After GTA6 releases R* will be busy with patches and issues so RDO will get back seated again. They trashed remaster for RDR, less and less Red Dead focused employees. This is the End.
Ugh! When i seen your thumbnail i was really hoping that Rockstar was addressing all the griefers that ruined the game for me and many others that i know..
Now if we can get rock star to put shit in the game. Like buy land house and shit, run cattle and open robbery's. This game would kick ass
Man rockstar clicked baited me thinkong they added" The Undead" in the game in Call to Arms. Turns out the NpC's are just painted and dressed up as the undead 👎
They should add more secrets to find like throw Bigfoot out in the world to find