Rockstar FINALLY Did It.. NEW Red Dead Online BLOOD MONEY DLC Update Releases Next Week (RDR2)

Rockstar FINALLY Did It.. NEW Red Dead Online BLOOD MONEY DLC Update Releases Next Week (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and …


25 thoughts on “Rockstar FINALLY Did It.. NEW Red Dead Online BLOOD MONEY DLC Update Releases Next Week (RDR2)

  1. Yeah, I used to love this game. Played it everyday all day… that was until I was targeted by a griefer, and that was when I realised. I realised that until open world pvp is removed (or at least give players the option whether they would like to engage in pvp) you will have griefers. So I don't play this game at all anymore, but hey guess what… I am probably the only person in the world that feels this way about pvp so…
    Anyway… enjoy peeps, have fun.

  2. All of this is great If they actually fix some of their errors to make the game playable again. Like their ( unknown error FFFF ) that’s always crashing the game

  3. I switched from Ps4 to series s after having a level 168 with maxed out roles and plenty of gold bars and money… now the new update comes out.. guess I’m going back to playstation until they make it to where you can transfer profiles

  4. Im mostly hyped for the homestead robberies in freeroam because I don’t always like working for someone else. Rockstar loves to make it sound like you rob a train and keep the money but just like gta when they say you can steal and sell supercars—it’s really doing the job for a 3rd party and getting paid a FRACTION by them and that is super stale to me. I love the concept of robbing homesteads all willy nilly like, assuming they pop up like gang hideouts

  5. I have not played for almost a year and in that entire time nothing came out that made me even consider coming back. I will definitely try this, but I’m concerned it will fail to introduce anything that deepens the gameplay experience. I’m expecting well produced missions and a story cut scenes, but once the story is completed I’d imagine it’s back to way point chasing and shooting, rinse and repeat. I bet this game would SURGE in player count if they just gave a us a ranch property to manage or introduced a side business with some real depth. The failure of this online experience has been an unwillingness to expand outside of the story gameplay mechanics and introduce more RPG features that make feel like you really exist in and can interact with with the world.

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