Rockstar BUFFED Red Dead Online’s LEGENDARY BOSS Payout.. (New RDR2 Update)

Rockstar BUFFED Red Dead Online’s LEGENDARY BOSS Payout.. (New RDR2 Update) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE!


34 thoughts on “Rockstar BUFFED Red Dead Online’s LEGENDARY BOSS Payout.. (New RDR2 Update)

  1. omg I'm new to this game (11 hours total) and was wondering why this was so hard. I was at 0 lifes before the cave even because I didn't know some mobs in the camps have 1 shot shot guns. Somehow I beat it. I was able to get lucky with a cover spot where i was able to damage the boss enough for him to be able to be captured without even taking much damage from him.

  2. Stop playing this game with my buddy at the end of 2020 just top back on the start of the new year of 2023 and let me tell you I’m still disappointed this game has so much potential and they just forgot about it like the step child of every family……

  3. I only started playing the online version about a month ago. Thanks to Etta Doyle ("No jail can hold meee!"), I have all the roles unlocked and most of the weapons and role equipment I need, plus 90 gold and $26,000 saved up.

  4. Personally I’ve just been doing the Etta Doyle legendary bounty due to the glitch.
    It’s easy, simple, and not one bullet needs to be fire
    I hope this week updated is good or hopefully rockstar will give RDR online some attention this year.
    Happy new year everyone🎉!!!

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