Rockstar Added ZOMBIES! NEW Massive LEAKS and INTEL in New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2)

ZOMBIES FOUND in Online! Massive LEAKS and INTEL in Rockstar’s New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and …


26 thoughts on “Rockstar Added ZOMBIES! NEW Massive LEAKS and INTEL in New Red Dead Online Update (RDR2)

  1. Didn’t really mention it but since they are dressed all similar, they could be the Chelonia cult members turned EVIL 😈 Either way.. BIG NEWS in this video! Zombies, new Halloween pass tiers, and an early look at the Gothic moonshine shack. What are you excited for most gang?

  2. I hate the micro aswell whats the point when u can earn all of it anyway i hate that they have made all the dlc pay to win ive missed so much because its all just money stop this crap it sets a class system i dont have all the money in the world just for one game i love we should just get it in a dlc pack on the store where its perm rather than these stupid pass crap

  3. I havent even played the online because it just sucked im sick of gta getting all the updates i want houses bank robberys and more stuff i hate the fact they havent added anything to the story at all since release it sucks ass cause i love this game so much but ive completed it and online just ends up being annoying because of greifers and people who want to just piss u off

  4. Sorry Haz, I don’t like a single thing about the whole Halloween update. If they’re really putting these zombies in RDO, I really hope they launch a undead server or something so that players can choose in which server they want to play. If this is not the case, I’m not playing RDO until Halloween holiday’s over. Rockstar promised the fans a realistic Wild West RPG, and come on there’s nothing realistic about undead rubbish. I didn’t pay all this money for some silly zombie survival game. I can live with some scary masks, interiors, maybe some scary weather conditions and creepy LIVING folks but that’s about it. Zombies are just a no go for me.. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  5. All of this sounds awesome! I hope we get some type of property DLC soon. I would like to buy a house and decorate it, hire servants and stuff. Also some type of robbery DLC. Rob trans like in single player.
    As for this DLC I hope its the PVE version, sure as hell don't want the PVP one.

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