ROBO GIRL Hollywood Romantic Sci-fi Movie In English With Subtitles | Sebastian Cavazza | Free Movie
Presenting Superhit Blockbuster Hollywood Romantic Sci-fi Movies (English Movies, Thriller Movie, Free Movie) “ROBO GIRL” …
Presenting Superhit Blockbuster Hollywood Romantic Sci-fi Movies (English Movies, Thriller Movie, Free Movie) “ROBO GIRL” …
Watch Blockbuster Hollywood Action Disaster Movie "ICE TORNADO" Starring Michael Shanks & Alexandra Davies
Even in a robot movie I started crying as a human when a robo cried unintentionally 😭🤌💕 later how he saver her
Is this about some perv and his sex robot? 😂
Linda pelicula….
Exelente guión ,buenos efectos especiales y muy buena banda sonora 👏👏👏👏👏
Loved watching it , it was i reckon really magnificent sci fi film
Dibikin yg seru lagi min ❤
I couldn't handle the guys voice sorry
This movie shows how far a man ( a human by blood) will go for their love. Regardless if it is a robot or not. Science must tap into reality of love of biological life in order to get anywheres.😢
Future fantastic clip bravo 👏👏👏👏💕
Stunning ❤❤❤❤❤
WTF is this a nord korean propeganda movie??
First reading comments before watching
Fim sa mande anpil konpregasyon pou konprann li…
This try hards voice to cool for me. Have to turn off. Make us sick
I really hate this movie, so the smart astronaut was willing to risk his life to save a robot (a piece of vacuum). What kind of nonsense movie is this, some sort of sick twisted plot experiment done by future scientist to see how far a man is willing to go to save A.I. So basically, the scientist was using the astronaut as a test subject to see how easily a man could be easily manipulated by A.I to risk his own life. I get the impression that in the future scientist/government want to use A.I as a weapon against man by convincing him that he has to sacrifice his life for a piece of Junk. No need to use War to dispose of man, its' far more effective to use man's weakness for women against him. Everything the A.I does is artificial, and if any man is easily manipulated then he is his own demise.
no thanks
Only weirdo's luv dis movie… i luv science friction movie, but this is in the books 4 weirdo's
You are propanda for the confused. Stop propagating
35:31-35 was the good part of the movie. Other than that, the plot is filled with stupidity of mission control, an overpriced sex doll the back talks and cant keep her mouth shut, and a man that wants to get his rocks off but dosent want to be tied down with BS that comes with relationships. The supervisor is forcing him to help have a relationship with a droid, or he will be limited captian many supervising a computer.
Action packed with alot of new actors.
The interior of that ship looked like a Soviet apartment block. Depressing to the point of insanity.
A beautiful movie. Love concers Everyone!
Akcja bystra jak woda w sraczu
Zombie movies
I realy like this movie, it's futuristic also the portrait of how woman treat men in the western world. If your a real man you'll love this movie.
hahahahah people who think this movie is fascinating are those who are easily manipulated and brainwashed by the powers that be
You must enjoy the limitation of a good sat. No imagination too bother you of the context.
💥 at 29:13
Fantastic, tragic, mindblowing, beautyful! 💫
Is there a second part for this movie coming? this was good❤
I liked this movie. So, to delete your partners memories and starting over, you just gotta figure out how to be an Advanced User.