Robert Downey Jr Unexpectedly ROASTS Christ Hemsworth in HILARIOUS VIDEO!

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48 thoughts on “Robert Downey Jr Unexpectedly ROASTS Christ Hemsworth in HILARIOUS VIDEO!

  1. RDJ is a proper actor and a stand-up guy. His standing behind Mel says a lot. I think the same about Jodie Foster who gave Mel a gig when no one else would touch him. Hollywood is full of two-faced cowards who have all done and said worse things than any of Mel's drunken outbursts. Mel is nuts but he's not evil.

  2. I have always loved robert downey junior. And for some reason I think that helmsworth is gay, not that I care 'cause I don't watch his movies. And by the way, your actors you're not actual superheroes. It really wasn't that hilarious

  3. You are aware the Hollywood walk of fame isn't just Hollywood actors? Not everyone is "one of them." Donald J Trump has a star, for example.

  4. Have to disagree with your premise Josiah. This is the same RD-J that participated in that obnoxious jump-cut video urging Trump's electors to abandon him in 2016 and is promoting the "eat the bugs" idiocy. He's chosen his side.

  5. I'm so sick of your false advertising… That's why I don't watch your videos hardly ever. You always put a headline or picture of someone that has nothing to do with the actual video… Like, Robert Downey Jr. Didnt even Roast him in this video, point in fact, he overly complimented him and then delivered other people's lines about Chris for the roast. That's why the few times I get dragged into one of your videos I'm always let down cuz it advertises like it's gonna be a big deal and it never is, or, worse, it's not even what it says it is. I think probably you do this anyway cause you wanted really badly to be an actor but couldn't make the cut so now you spend your days sh*tcanning holloywood and making look like your standing on some self righterous conservative high ground when really your just jealous. Like Cartman… "MEHH!" Lmao. I mean it makes sense though. No one spends this much time trolling hollywood unless deep down they really wish they were a part of it.

  6. What I am waiting is feminists reaction on Hemsworth speech which said his wife sacrificed her career for him. Oh boy, the woke left will be raging 😅

  7. I like Tom Cruise Robert Downey Jr., Mel Gibson. These are great actors and they know what’s going on in the world right now so hopefully they don’t disappoint us and they’re not a bunch of kid fuckers.

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