Robberies CONFIRMED in NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE! Rockstar Did It… (RDR2)

Robberies CONFIRMED in New Red Dead Online UPDATE! Rockstar Did It… (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE!


38 thoughts on “Robberies CONFIRMED in NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE! Rockstar Did It… (RDR2)

  1. The afk players have are more negative impact in team vs team missions. When 1 of your 4 teammates is just standing there, increases the odds of losing. And I dont play to lose just because someone is cheating. Which it is cheating, when you subvert protocols to avoid be kicked for inactivity when you are in fact inactive. I think they should investigate reported cheaters and adjust their accounts accordingly.

  2. Could they make missions more like how random events work instead of going to point a activating a mission, then finish mission. Rinse and repeat.
    Current role mission design is very inequal to High Standards RDR2 was developed with (story mode).

    My best tip. If you feel like doing missions is tedious grind then quit and stop deceiving yourself. This is not how you should feel when playing RDR2.

  3. so sad that the game has been out for all this time, Rockstar didn't add anything big to the game for an entire year and now they want to continue where they left off? House robberies? We should have bank heists by now. These fucking tricked out cowboy reapers are hitting house licks for end game content? Talk about milking an extended content schedule. LOL!

  4. Why you sucking rockstar D so what we beat the system a lil on horse races no one cares about it's only right they make it the hardest grind to try to get our money and your helping them feed in to it let us have this easy gold Witch is bull

  5. – go to A. Get some useless 20 second cutscene, panning back and forth between the mission giver and the dumb ass look on your characters face ( IF YOU'RE LUCKY)

    – Kill NPCs at B and steal a bag or wagon

    – Go to C. Receive $6

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