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40 thoughts on “RFK ON LITTLE E’S JET…

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  2. Hes a democrat. Thats enough right there. But this news is very revealing and very important to expose. I saw what was going on at E. Island years ago when mcallister tv channel with Linda Paris was doing deep dive into it. Its most horriffic what was going on with children. So thank you Riss for your great work digging and getting info out.💖 RFK is a liar and a sicko whose voice sounds like a devil. I can't stand how he talks. These creeps will be eating their own as they have no integrity and will rat on each other as their ship sinks.

  3. NONE of the alternative media I watch covered this any further than his lame excuse; Riss fearlessly went for the jugular AND called him a liar, lol! We need you so much, Riss. I would've never known about 334% Lies (just started it, very heavy) without your outstanding work. I place you just behind the very best there is: Whitney Webb. You're like Tisa Tells, but do more research, I love it!

  4. I’m starting to, not even care anymore we will never know everybody that was on that plane for all we know every single politician, and every single billionaire have been on that plane that means Trump everyone who is there to vote for I vote for King Jesus because I don’t trust anybody. I don’t even trust information because the Internet will twist anything just because of specific people I know myself had a relationship with a drug addict. Does that make me a drug addict or does that make me appear like I’m a drug addict? I’m just tired of all the negative information because we’re getting nowhere all this information and nothing is being done. It’s ultimately only making people upset that’s all I see now it’s important to understand what’s going on but there’s no hope on this planet there’s only one hope and that is Jesus Christ.

  5. Little e also was part of an Iran contra type gun running operation ,at the same time, long before anyone got wind of his blackmail operation. Everyone should read "One Nation Under Blackmail" by Whitney Webb; it's a patriotic read for sure.

  6. I'm a die hard Trump fan Jesus is my savior Trump is my President forever. Robert F. Kennedy junit's not a choice for me or anybody else. I'm shocked at what I'm learning. However, we can stop banging his balls about not. Knowing the year it was 30 years ago and it's clear. He wasn't alcoholic, so it's understandable. He wouldn't know the year. So that is not deception at all my opinion of course. But it's very suspicious his relationship with his first wife, her suicide. The upstein flight. Yes, it was 30 years just when Jeffrey Epstein was starting his Little Black Book. Probably and maybe he couldn't get Robert F. Kennedy. We don't know, but he wasn't alcoholic. He does have problems with women. We do not need a President like that. That's for sure because America is on her way to be annihilated. If we do not put the right person in office and that person has to put Jesus. And the father and heaven first and foremost in any and all things that the person does. If people don't do that were doomed, you can do that individually. Make sure you're saved, make sure you seek Jesus. We Pant for the sins that you've committed because we've all committed sin. Do not get left here. My friends and don't be fooled by the so-called aliens, those are fallen angels.

  7. So now everyone that talked to Epstein is guilty, these people share planes with people they know all the time, Epstein was in the group of elite's, everyone knew him,it doesn't mean they knew anything about what he was doing with the girl's and his island

  8. Hey Riss! What about buying more charging sets. So always have extras charging for warm hands. And seriously cold extremities is a huge sign of low iron. Get you some raisins several boxes. Soak a least a 1/2 in a cup of distilled about 30 minutes at least. Then squeeze as much of the water after stirring. And you have to most delicious, plump, juicy raisins, grapes ever!!! And you will help to restore your iron optiminally quickly. And don't trust any doctors. All natural. And whatever ailes youtube it. And read the comments. Thank You! for your channel. Exposing They Live. John Carpenters cheezy movie very relevant today.

  9. Wow, this one just shocked me. Nice job Riss!!! I never saw this one coming… RFK going to that horrific island? And we all know a lot more sicko things happened there than just underage sex with girls, please. There was SRA, babies, boys and girls, torture, murder, the blood and organ industry w/tunnels and subs in and out. If RFK was there 3x he knows all about the stuff going on. Yuck… He just lost any chance of being elected for anything now. These people know that list is coming out, they're all jumping in front of it with their lame excuses before it's to late.

  10. She said, "I'm just gonna pause it right here, and analyse it. So I paused it, "And immediately recognized my mistake"… You have trouble hearing a paused vid. -lol Go Riss. Your intellect far far exceeds your apparent age.

  11. When a King knows the Truth and a constituent comes right out and confesses, he will recieve to a lesser degree the Kings intended wrath. Sometimes, it is completely forgiven, as a leader, that "is" rightous, understands, just making big mistakes. Its the owning up, and admit-ions, that may change an outcome, if the King is any good.

  12. For your hands & feet, have you tried adding cayanne to some oil or lotion & rubbing it in to get circulation going? Or maybe make a poultice for your feet & leave it on for a bit a few days in a row. And internally, cayanne is known for rebuilding the circulatory system. Just eat something with it or it's hard on your empty stomach.

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