REGRET: Cardi B APOLOGIZES For Endorsing Joe Biden, REFUSES To Back Joe in 2024 | ‘I Was BETRAYED’🔥

More celebrities are DUMPING Joe Biden left and right – DISASTER CHECK OUT OUR MERCH: …


40 thoughts on “REGRET: Cardi B APOLOGIZES For Endorsing Joe Biden, REFUSES To Back Joe in 2024 | ‘I Was BETRAYED’🔥

  1. #Benny what is sad is the #DEMS in office, running for office, or supporting the #DEMS in office continue to lie to everyone’s faces to get your votes…WHY? BECAUSE THAT HAS WORKED FOR DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES. THEY LOOK RIGHT AT YOU AND CAN EVEN BE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU AND WILL DO WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING FOREVER AND #LIE #LIE #LIE THEY ARE LITERALLY DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY—So glad ppl are starting to wake up and actually see what is happening!!
    #Trump2024 #Safety #Community #BORDERWALL #LawandOrder

  2. Cardi B has spoken out a lot about the economy. She tracks every dollar in and out of her accounts. She is very aware of our financial situation. I think she went about life not paying attention to things outside of her Bible but now those things are affecting her, she sees it and isn't afraid to talk about it.

  3. People WERENT Betrayed… “They just wanted trump out” as cardi B puts it. Why? Because that’s what CNN and other news media AND celebrities like her told them they wanted. This is what happens when “anybody but trump” is the narrative amongst the sheep

  4. I’m glad she has the courage to speak out on her platform. Not many people have this courage. I’m not trying to disrespect her, she needs to hire some sort of communication speech coach . It appears she is growing as a person. Therefore, she needs to improve her speech , grammar and vocabulary to get her message across.

  5. They do this all the time they vote Democrat, hate what the Democrats do for them them and they don’t want to endorse the person that they voted for so they want another democrat instead that has the same democratic policies and then they get mad again yet still vote democrat 😂😂😂

  6. Shes rich too and its refreshing to see someone rich actually not lying. I know she voted for Biden we all do but she was probably just ignorant like a lot of people were. We got to as hard as it is forgive some Americans who voted for Biden. Some people who are just liberal morons no forget them. But some people just didnt know and they believed all the lies about Trump. Weve had so much evidence about the lying theyve done come out on top of inflation division wars and everything else that some are probably mad at themselves but they just didnt know. They are Americans afterall and we must as hard as that is going to be forgive people. itll be better for the country and for all of us.

  7. Good for her for speaking up…( minus the cursing)…
    Thats really nice, using her platform to talk to the regular people…..and what's really going on in this Country..
    Thanks Cardi.🎉🎉…lets get these people OUT of America

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