REFRAME Your NEGATIVE THOUGHTS (Powerful HYPNOSIS) – Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ | Marisa Peer

Negative thoughts crush your confidence and your happiness. If you want to experience a powerful, healing hypnosis that can …


45 thoughts on “REFRAME Your NEGATIVE THOUGHTS (Powerful HYPNOSIS) – Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ | Marisa Peer

  1. My mother's favourite saying when I was little was "Don't go so close to the edge."

    It had the opposite effect. I've spent a lot of my life living on the edge, proving I can.

    I can stop now.

    Thank you.

  2. What CAUSES some people to talk and think NEGATIVELY?
    What if you didn’t manage to break the chain and you pass it on to your kids? Then You realise when it’s too late and your kid ( yeah just the one) won’t stop blaming you for all of their problems …

  3. This phenomenal woman has changed my perception in every way. She is a miracle worker. Not being hyperbolic. Our brains are exactly the same which is so fantastic because ANYONE can heal from anything when you believe you can with intentions ❤❤😊

  4. It’s a beautiful and empowering message, to choose to be positive, and I think that’s entirely possible, though not easy. It needs to become a habit I suppose.
    The thing is, that’s just so hard to do when we’re sick… the fear that comes with loss of health seems to trump everything, especially because the physical discomfort pulls me back down. It’s hard to flip negativity when it’s based on health issues… But if I could be healthy I’m sure I’d never be upset about anything again. It does put everything else into perspective. But I will try to apply this the best I can. It is a beautiful message and indeed what we choose to think is our decision.

  5. I asked myself recently why am I holding onto past hurt as well as people who are not benefitting my future. People make it seem as though burning bridges is a bad thing, but I disagree. Sometimes it's fucking needed. Why hold onto people, places as well as things that don't want to see you progress or do better for your own happiness or sense of well being. Why do that?

  6. Unfortunately I am a negative thinker. I can't get rid if it. If I did not have bad luck I would have no luck at all. Everything I touch or do goes wrong. I wish I could change my way of thinking, as I need to heal

  7. i am a litttle confused with regards to the position of eye balls…initially we have to look up with eyes open..two breaths..then eye balls up but lids closed…then chin down…so the whole audio further our chin has to be down right? what would be the positiion of the eye balls? please guide

  8. I love those thoughts, you shared about your daughter! She must be so confident! I kind of get annoyed with people who always say “be careful!” I would rather say, “be intentional!“ I don’t feel the need to always say anything, but if I do, those are the words I offer. Love love loved this video.!!!

  9. My m💝m Was An Angel💝💝💝
    Always Positive With me, Except About One Thing ——
    My High Curiosity, love Of Traveling Cross Country, And Up & Down The Coast Line, By The Means Of Hitch Hiking ……… 💝
    She Was Right To Worry: If I Told You What I Did To Get Away From Some Of These Men, Looking To Hurt me🗡️🗡️🗡️

  10. The worse thing a mother can do to a child is to not listen to their needs and what they want to communicate and to tell the child : what you feel or think isn’t accurate. And to shut the child down, invalidating the child. This alone can damage so much and create pattern of negativity around child’s future.

  11. Am I supposed to keep my eyeballs up the entire time she’s talking? I’m having a really hard time doing this. Any time someone says get comfortable or relax, my whole body tenses up and I start shallow breathing. I’m not going deeper and deeper. Hello!

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