Hermès wouldn’t even be on that map without their two famous handbags, which are what everyone really wants. Those two bags disproportionately account for much of Hermès’ revenues and artificially drive sales of the other Hermès product lines, since the company requires that customers spend heavily on their other products before allowing the purchase of one of the coveted handbags. The image of those bags is maintained in large part by artificially limiting supply and keeping spending requirements a secret from the consumer.
The moment I saw the rrcopys tote, I knew I had to have it. Luxurious materials, vibrant colors and attention to detail make these bags a true fashion statement
Delvaux is quite underrated, even though the brand is older than Hermes and is just as good of a luxury brand as Hermes. Hermes is honestly just famous and iconic for the number of celebrities owning their bags.
Love DUPBAGY the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other YouTuber can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I just bought a Super Fake bag. High luxury bag. The Hernes Kelly. Its fabulous!
Jesus 🙏🏻
Hermès wouldn’t even be on that map without their two famous handbags, which are what everyone really wants. Those two bags disproportionately account for much of Hermès’ revenues and artificially drive sales of the other Hermès product lines, since the company requires that customers spend heavily on their other products before allowing the purchase of one of the coveted handbags. The image of those bags is maintained in large part by artificially limiting supply and keeping spending requirements a secret from the consumer.
The moment I saw the rrcopys tote, I knew I had to have it. Luxurious materials, vibrant colors and attention to detail make these bags a true fashion statement
When my favorites are on the topper and I am poor. 😭
I wear vans. blue dickies pants and a black t shirt…😂
chanel is legacy.
Birkin .?
Where is birkin
How is Dior higher then Louis Vuitton when there bags cost 60 bucks to make and sold for 3k
Where's Lacoste, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, or Ralph Lauren?
Personally I think Cartier deserves Supreme Lux more than Chanel.
Goyard ❤
I am Italian.
The best quality is what italian (and not only) artisans make.
Unique and precious.
There is luxury not for masses like CCP that would need there own pyramid
Delvaux is quite underrated, even though the brand is older than Hermes and is just as good of a luxury brand as Hermes. Hermes is honestly just famous and iconic for the number of celebrities owning their bags.
Chanel shouldn't be up there. And Dior is gonna be running their business to the ground. It's not even worth mentioning honestly.
Honestly i have a hermes paris but i feel like is just luxury not supreme lixury
Classic Luxury forgot Chloé. Chanel not on same level with Hermes. Should be at the top of Luxury.
What differentiates the classes?
No Bally?
This is my second purchase of a rrcopys replica pack and it still looks just as beautiful…will be the third purchase
Maison Delvaux ♥️
Love DUPBAGY the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other YouTuber can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Amazing product and amazing packaging is nice H Q D U P S
Chanel should be with Gucci D&G etc. Along with Hermes there should be Loro Piana