Racine, Wisconsin or *Racing* Wisconsin? You Decide.
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Actually, his biggest crimes were 8 counts of felony bail jumping, 1 count of felony fleeing and eluding and 1 count of driving while revoked.
And if you have that many warrants, I would get better footwear…
The Persian kings of kings would be saddened to see who gets their names now.
All that over something so small🤦🏾♂️
Why wouldn't wearing Crocs be legal?
He has 10 counts of fleeing an alluding, 10 counts of bail jumping, 10 counts of aggravated assault, and 10 counts he can't account for!😅
LOL, the crocs bit was brilliant!
Probably the best title for one of these videos
Wisconsin: soft on crime
There needs to be a first name register of most common felon names so prospective parents can stay clear of naming their kids these names to at least give them a decent start in life
"Unfortunately in the state of wisconsin wearing crocs in the winter time is legal" I laughed out loud way harder then I should of.
Do they have any black cops there? 🤔
Terrible upload.
After the second or so "get on the ground" save your breath, you'll be able to run faster and longer lol. Or just do what the other officer did and help the poor man to the ground yourself.
Lady Po Po ain't playin' 😊
His belt malfunctioned. Why he got caught
I had no idea that Wisconsin was so er…."diverse" outside of Milwaukee.
"Unfortunately under Wisconsin law, wearing Crocs in the winter is legal" 😂😂 – this kinda stuff is why I watch
Judges just let him keep FELONY bail jumping because he is a good boy and black so he deserves more chances. These courts are ridiculous
Concurrent…..why the heck don't judges run the sentences CONSECUTIVELY? This guy deserves it. These 'Concurrent' sentences are a joke.
Why'd ya run, dumbnuts? 😂
So why did they pull him over in the first place? I think because he's black
3:31 … Wearing Crocs at any time off the year should be illegal…. Felony I tell you !!
There is no such thing as a rountine traffic stop. Every traffic stop is different in everyway. Different individuals, different attitudes, and different reasons for the stop.
I had one individual who had 5 pages of his rap sheet. Had everything but being a nice guy. (He didn't like me because I added another page to his popularity we with the Court)
Race? what race 🏁 …. more like 50 yard dash …those Wisconsin police are out of shape. (Hold off the cheese)
She's the worst. Umm yeah…your under arrest, you are going to be uncomfortable. It's amazing how entitled these idiots are.
I give the dad joke title a 1/10
Wearing white crocs is legal??!! lol
It's either r a h c i n e or r a y c i n e depending on which part of Wisconsin you're from, you're welcome
Crocs and no belt.
You just can’t make this up.
I live in Kenosha. Never liked Racine. Crime everywhere.
I love that black people have basically just become entertainment for us haha
Teens thought it was funny to commit crimes in crocs. The New crime shoe is gonna be new balance for the lolz
This is one time when I believe the "I can't breath" claim. He had two officers kneeled on his back after sprinting to get away. They cuffed him and got off him promptly. Running from cops has consequences. Law abiding people don't flee from the police, and 99.9% of the time aren't laying face down in cuffs.
He will get nice generic orange crocs in prison
👑 JACK RABBIT 🐰 🪤 jail time
21 APRIL 2024 SUNDAY 🖖🥸🥃
How many bail jumping does it take to not get bail from the courts and do bail bondsmen not get information about bail jumping? Cause why they still fronting the cash
Ohhhh he’s a packers fan… now it makes sense.
Why do people think Crocs are cute?
3:33 😂😂😂
😂 I love my crocs but I don't run from officers!
Crocs should be illegal any time of year