Racine, Wisconsin or *Racing* Wisconsin? You Decide.

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42 thoughts on “Racine, Wisconsin or *Racing* Wisconsin? You Decide.

  1. Actually, his biggest crimes were 8 counts of felony bail jumping, 1 count of felony fleeing and eluding and 1 count of driving while revoked.

    And if you have that many warrants, I would get better footwear…

  2. There needs to be a first name register of most common felon names so prospective parents can stay clear of naming their kids these names to at least give them a decent start in life

  3. After the second or so "get on the ground" save your breath, you'll be able to run faster and longer lol. Or just do what the other officer did and help the poor man to the ground yourself.

  4. There is no such thing as a rountine traffic stop. Every traffic stop is different in everyway. Different individuals, different attitudes, and different reasons for the stop.
    I had one individual who had 5 pages of his rap sheet. Had everything but being a nice guy. (He didn't like me because I added another page to his popularity we with the Court)

  5. This is one time when I believe the "I can't breath" claim. He had two officers kneeled on his back after sprinting to get away. They cuffed him and got off him promptly. Running from cops has consequences. Law abiding people don't flee from the police, and 99.9% of the time aren't laying face down in cuffs.

  6. How many bail jumping does it take to not get bail from the courts and do bail bondsmen not get information about bail jumping? Cause why they still fronting the cash

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