Race Hustlers Cry Racism & Homophobia Over Caitlin Clark Being More Popular Than WNBA Black Players!

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39 thoughts on “Race Hustlers Cry Racism & Homophobia Over Caitlin Clark Being More Popular Than WNBA Black Players!

  1. The view cast promote negetivity, hatred and forget about all the great things that hapen to them so they can sit there and run their mouths all morning not to mention getting paid healthy salaries.

  2. Shes the great white hope,thats why her game is hated..
    The view needs to stop with the race baiting,sunny cant play so why try and find racist remarks to say because the white girl is the best in the league and they all know it ..

  3. Racism will never be over , the reason is to many people whom claim to be persecuted because of it benefit from the hustle of so called “RACISM” game, it’s so obvious it should be embarrassing& treated with disgust to claim racism when there is none at play just as much it should be embarrassing & disgusting for actual Racism/Racists when it happens, just like when women call rape & lie they should be named & shamed, pathetic is the correct word this behaviour & it belittles REAL VICTIMS.

  4. That show and those ladies have so much visibility however they are woefully ignorant. Their pay is tied to viewership, has nothing to do with race, gender or sexuality. They sounds like a bunch of damed fools.

  5. Womens sports aren't as tough as men's sports. Sports are supposed to be tough and rough. Womens sports are not, it's very tame. Clark should be held up. If female sports weren't like a push and nudge it would be much better.

  6. They say that CC is only making about $70,000 a year, give or take, playing for the WNBA. That is nothing. I’m a server and I’m pretty close. What the hell are they talking about. Her money is in endorsements. She’s set for life already just from NIKE. Screw the WNBA. She needs to quit when she is able to.

  7. This is nothing more than another "shaming tactic" attempt. I'm just glad to see all the people who see through it. Bottom line is, I decide what or who I like, view, listen to, etc. and no one else is going to demand that I like, view, listen to, etc. any other person simply because of their race.

  8. Women cant help themselves they love to be jealous of other women…i good care less anyway they trying to push wnba down our throats but wnba is boring as hell and if i wanted to see women that look like men play basketball i would just watch the NBA 🤣

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