Psychic predicts bad year for Trump on Fox News

A psychic went on Jesse Watters’ Fox News show to predict Donald Trump’s 2024. The result was unexpected to say the least.


49 thoughts on “Psychic predicts bad year for Trump on Fox News

  1. It doesn't mean anything. Never put faith into anything that's against the Bible Jesus speaks of this is against Christianity..Shes a fake .Shes not a true profit of Jesus the Lord and savior nor the Father God in Heaven she is not Baptized or she needs to ask for forgiveness for predicting lies.

  2. Trump represents pure evil. He has created division and chaos. His followers are part of a cult and a national psychosis. Most followers will not even research what psychosis means. Brains too small.

  3. Geezus. Now its a psychic. Look first wake up. Bathe fix the doo. Thats how to start even on a desperate Liberalized Socialistic propaganda site.
    And then as an audience accept the known fact that Psychics are in most if not all cases as devious as Evangelists. They target the weak vulnerable and stupid.
    In other words the Liberal audience.
    So baton twirlers you should consider this site an INSULT.

  4. So now Fox News is consulting psychics for its political information. One more reason to leave Fox in addition to Fox firing Tucker Carlson and having neocon Paul Ryan on their board.

  5. Straight up witchcraft homie. The woman is cursed, don’t even watch her. She has no power compared to a Spirit filled believer in Jesus. Psychics, mediums, card readers etc are not talking to spirits of dead loved ones, there talking to unclean, demonic, familiar spirits. The wandering spirits that are set on destroying humans.

  6. She's obviously not very good at tarot card readings. In Tarot, there's no such thing as death; only a passing from one realm to another. The death card only means there will be change, which would mean that Trump is gong to bring change. Nothing more; nothing less. And we already know this will happen.

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