Psychiatrist Breaks Down Mental Health Scenes From Movies & TV | GQ

Psychiatrist Eric Bender breaks down mental health scenes from movies and TV, including ‘Joker,’ ‘The Undoing,’ ‘BoJack …


40 thoughts on “Psychiatrist Breaks Down Mental Health Scenes From Movies & TV | GQ

  1. applied behavioural analysis or ABA for treating autism is an outdated and widely disregarded practice that is deeply traumatizing for austistics who are subjected to it. just because someone is a psychiatrist doesn't mean they're experts in every mental condition. this person clearly doesn't know what they're talking about in terms of ABA and autism. please do not put your kids through ABA.

  2. 13:36 This is one of the problems I had when I was trying to figure out what condition I have (I have Asperger's + ADHD). I knew for a long time I had something affecting me but could never establish what it was, and part of that was because of how my schools taught Autism. Whenever they talked about people with Autism it was either people who were "low-functioning" or were people who were "high-functioning" but also had something like savant syndrome or eidetic memory – because of this I had completely taken Autism off the table of possibilities.

  3. It’s interesting. He’s talking about all these important things and all some people can do is try to attack him. I don’t know if that is envy or what that is. Maybe for attention. Seems like he’s trying to pick through things as egoless as possible and be useful to some people who might need help.

  4. I remember seeing a UK documentary on mental illness in prisoners. They are in a big atrium type space in the middle of a very wide corridor ( like an airport walkway between terminals ). There are several inmates around, and the reporter is being introduced to a few prisoners who happen to be there. This small, never energy guy is walking around quickly in the background, and then approaches, and is introduced. He has a bundle of papers and manila folders under his arm. They ask him what the papers are ahd he says that he's just been meeting with his solicitor and they are preparing a case as he shouldn't be there. He's very talkative and with nervous energy. And then they cut to the supervisor saying that he doesn't have a solicitor. There was/ has never been a meeting with a solicitor about preparing a case. It's all in his head. It was one of the weirdest, kinda scariest thing to see that this person fully believed something to be true that the rest of us could see wasn't. And there he was again, muttering to himself, and walking back and forth with his sheef of papers …

  5. Arthur in his interview with Murray has such a sweet soft Micheal Jackson voice… as with the griefing part. I went to both my grandparent's funerals, and the funeral of a friend. I felt nothing, not even forced stoicism. I felt neutrally ambliveant. It's as if I wasn't human. I was extremely concerned. When I think of natural disasters. I feel this way too. am I Vulcan or soemthing?

  6. Oh dear lord. I likes this video until he got to autism. So many outdated vieuws! And when he reccomanded ABA as an appropriate treatment, my heart sank. Please, no! It borders on abuse and is traumatic. Just no.

  7. I think a reasonable question to ask is how much of this interpretation of emotions and behaviors is embellished in order for psychiatrists and psychologists can continue getting paid?

  8. 12:38 welp. He's into traumatizing autistic children gor the comfort of their inflexible vile "parents" so we can throw out anything else he states. Its not help. Its abuse. Just abuse. Only abuse.

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