Psaki falsely claimed Biden’s watch check during troop ceremony was ‘misinformation’ #shorts
New York Post columnist Jon Levine reacts to Jen Psaki defending Biden over his alleged behavior during a ceremony for U.S. …
New York Post columnist Jon Levine reacts to Jen Psaki defending Biden over his alleged behavior during a ceremony for U.S. …
❤❤Absolutely unacceptable and Very Sadly They Continue to Lie and hide.the True But God will under cover the truth 🙏 God Have Mercyon 🇺🇸 America our Nation Definitely Need 🙏 President Donald Trump for-25and in Vance My pra yers are. With Th e America people God is yet in control 🙏 Thank Foxfor Real Talk Straight True We Know the truth unacceptable period ❤😢
Looking at his watch you know what he's thinking I have to be here for this s***
⭕️⭕️💯💯🇺🇸🇺🇸Trump 2024🇺🇸⭕️⭕️
I hate say it but , They are simply bad people who have sold Their souls for money and power
Traitor Joe Lyin Biden is a Demented Putz!
I cried for all of those left behind, it was heartbreaking………💔💔💔
Those whom sacrificed their lives for us deserve so much more
People joke about redheads not having a soul, in Jen Psaki’s case it turns out to be true. What vile people her and her former boss are…🤢🤮
Biting does not care about this country period
no shame for either of them noBiden especially
and the LEFTIST MEDAI + The communist propaganda machine HID EVERYTHING! HID IT! LIED ABOUT IT!
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP 2024! Go ahead youtube take my post down AGAIN!
All Democrats lie constantly. Also if they accuse the Republicans of anything it means that's what the Democrats are going to do!
The Biden administration has been an absolute disgusting failure.
POS empty suit.
He’s not winning the election not in any way. There is no hope he is completely incompetent.
I can’t imagine being an adult, and thinking lying for a living is ok. These entitled thugs think that we’re stupid. That’s what makes the lies even worse, when we see the footage and they say, that’s not what you saw. Gormless; solipsistic.
Demonkkkrap's don't believe the facts..
Why is anyone surprised. I’ve never heard her talk when a lie was present.
To all who are shocked by the Biden "watch" action; our Vice Premier (Tánaiste) in our Irish Parliament (Dáil Eireann) would possibly ask YOU "have you noooooo humanity in you".
We in Ireland have the most shameful, shameless & "woke" (most times we think they're actually asleep) Government in living memory & the Patriots who gave their lives in the effort to free our Nation from the British Occupier must be doing somersaults in their graves.
No one should be surprised. Biden doesn't care about any soldier (Afghanistan), citizen(Riley), all he cares about is himself. Remember he has lived everywhere, done every job, been thru every disaster. He always has a story to out do anyone's loss.. shameful the fools that back and cover the lies.
Psaki should be in jail
If you are a liar and corrupt you get laid
If you are honest and hard working you get screwed!
FJB and twice on Sunday.
My understanding, that just prior to Biden becoming President, that he was asked to take a physical and mental test and that he refused, and Trump excepted to and passed. How can our government been allowed to expect on testing to one of the very important position!
That's way our country as fallen apart and been open to be taken over. Even Feinstin should of not kept in her government position because of her age that include not in good health and looked that included her mental health. Yes I heard she passed away.
Think about checking your watch as American soldiers are being carried past you in wooden boxes, and YOU were the one who gave the orders that led to their needless deaths?! Think about the level of evil selfish evil that takes….
Democrats = Liars, Cheaters, Blamers, No Decency
Lyin' biden is a disgrace!! Hes a traitor and a communist sympathizer and he should be tried for treason and removed from office.
This is just 1 little bit of the disgusting dirt bags!!!! And there are a lot of us that are completely sickened by things like this!! And she still runs her mouth, and the new one is not any better!!!! We could go on for days about things like this happening for years!!!!
Circle back saki is a real piece of work no doubt!
Creepy Joe and his creepy administration are scum bags 😎
It was disgusting he's right
Misinformation = any truth or reality that a Democrat wants to you to dismiss as fiction.
It’s disgusting!!!! Shame on you President Biden!!
Remember That Joe Left Over 85 Billion Dollars 💵💰💰 Of High Tech Weapons For The Talban in Afghanistan 🚫👿 and Gave The Talban 1 Billion Dollars 💰💵 Cash 💰💵 Remember Joe Cost 13 Marine Lives 🚫🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏
Not the first or last time Psaki will lie.
I always thought her name is Psucki. Probably that's how she got her job. She's got a face made for radio.
It's true he did look at his watch. Psaki lied as always.
What a horrid president he is, self centered, self-righteous totally disgusting
FJB and his worthless administration 🤮🤮🤮. The disgusting disrespect for our fallen soldiers is shameful!!!! My prayers go out to all those who have lost loved ones for our country!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯🙏❤️❤️❤️
America is finding out just how hypocritical, lying and evil the Demo-rats are in the White House.
Sue her
She fit perfectly with all the other liars in the biden administration!!
PSAKI book of greatest lies my time at the white house New Title ?
the last word in talking puppets.
Infinite shame upon that grifter.
These demoRats do not belong in our Country. They continue to lie, do NOT follow the laws of the Constitution, they are all TRAITORS, and the government agencies like f.b.i., c.i.a, da's, judges, etc. they are all corrupt to the highest level.
God Bless President Trump his family and America. Jesus please protect them and America…Amen….
Joe Biden is a 🐷
In April 2022, Jenn Pskanke said, "I have enjoyed working with President Obama every day for the past year." Joe Bidens first year.
Now we know what all that digging in the White House Lawn was all about during Obama's first 2 marxist terms. Obama's house is One Mile from the White House. Very Convenient. First President to not leave DC at the end of his term.
He was there running the opposition to President Trump his entire 4 years and now doing Bidens.
He needs to be arrested for Current Treason