Prichard Colon’s Recovery! #prichardcolon #boxing #mma

thefightfactory #mma #ufc #ultimatefightingchampion #mixedmartialarts.


47 thoughts on “Prichard Colon’s Recovery! #prichardcolon #boxing #mma

  1. Prichard had to withdraw from the first two strikes because his life and health were better than any fight but what happened happened i hope to god that this beautiful young man will heal and take a revenge on his dirty jealous competitor and the stupid ignorant referee.

  2. Sad to say but that guy will never ‘be his normal self’ again. I recall the surgeon saying there’s an area in the brain that was like a black hole or something and the prognosis wasn’t good. Poor fella. Haunting stuff. So many things against him on that fateful night.

  3. Rabbit punches are banned and they know that still that MF punching in the back of his head which is unfair I have saw this fight and that refree totally ignored that sometime I think that refree was supporting his color

  4. That is the risk you are going at if you are boxing! It sound hard but it is true if you have an very dangerous job like Boxing you are payed with your health! The fight was not fair but you can suffer the same if you get direct punches in the face!!

  5. Romans 12:19 in the Bible says, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord".

  6. Rrf was racist as fuck, the black fighter noticed it and took advantage of it, idk how he can live with the guilt of ruining someone's life just for an extra win to your record

  7. That’s terrifying it’s like he died and yet was still alive, loosing all of your physical abilities and mind is such a horrible fate, I hope he can recover or get to a point he can communicate clearly. That referee and boxer that hit him in the back should be made accountable

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